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I didn't sleep at all that night, I just laid in bed replaying the past couple of months in my head over and over, crying, regretting, wishing I could change literally every single move I made. I wanted to go back to Malibu and start from there again, never go to Mexico, never fall in love with Oli, never go to that stupid fucking party! I didn't think I could hate myself more than I did yesterday... but here I was.

Cassidy took me to the Doctor the following afternoon and I squeezed her hand tightly as we sat in the waiting room. "Everything is going to be OK, I promise." Cassidy said when the Doctor called me in. Cassidy did the talking; telling her I'd done a pregnancy test a few weeks ago after unprotected sex but it was negative and that I'd then done 3 yesterday that were all positive. I just sat there crying quietly as she spoke. I felt so stupid. She must have thought I was pathetic. I had to pee in a cup and go back the following day for the results, and once again, I barely slept.

When we went back the following day, I felt exhausted from stress and lack of sleep and the Doctor actually asked me if I was feeling OK. Cassidy told her I had been struggling to sleep and that I'd been through a tough few weeks emotionally. That was putting it lightly. "Can we just get to the results." I said cutting off their conversation. There was more pressing matters to attend to.
"Well, I can confirm that you are pregnant and you're around five weeks along." she said as she read my test results from her monitor. I tried to do the math in my head, but I couldn't, I was too upset and scared and I couldn't think straight. Cassidy seemed just as frustrated about trying to work out the dates too. "OK but what date did she get pregnant?" Cassidy asked desperately. The nurse looked at her test results. "Your conception date suggests October 3. The intercourse that led to pregnancy can go back 5 days prior though, so anywhere from September 28 if that helps." she said. Tears automatically started streaming down my face. That stupid party; the night I slept with Jayce was October 3. It was clear as day.
"Wills, when did you sleep with Oli last?" Cass whispered quietly.
"27th." I replied with tears. I couldn't help but think back to the last time I slept with Oli; that last night in Mexico City when I was drunk and he hurt me.
"So if she slept with someone on the 27th there's no chance it could be theirs?" Cass asked.
"Conception dates are very accurate..." she said like she was trying to say 'no' in a nice way. "Sperm can only survive in the body for 5 days, so it's not possible before the 28th." she replied. "Did you have intercourse between September 28 and October 3?" she asked, suddenly looking at me. I felt so sick.
"Yes... on the 3rd. I took emergency contraception, but not until about 27 hours later. I didn't know the condom ripped." I replied. The Doctor just nodded.
"Well, it's fairly safe to say this intercourse would have led to your pregnancy." she said, looking at me obviously knowing I'd been with two different people. She must have had all kinds of theories in her head. She probably thought I cheated on my partner and was pregnant to my lover or something.

I started crying hard. I always knew who caused this situation, but the Doctor confirming it made it real. It wasn't like either option was a good one, I knew what Oli's thoughts on having kids were and he obviously wanted nothing to do with me... Jayce on the other hand was a complete asshole that I didn't want anything to do with after the way he disregarded and insulted me. Both scenarios were bad, but deep down I would have felt less disgusted with myself if this situation wasn't the product of a one night stand.
"Wills, I'm so sorry." Cassidy said.
"I'll give you a minute." the Doctor said as I sobbed.

As soon as the Doctor was out of the room, Cassidy grabbed my hand and spoke "She said it's 'fairly' safe to say it was October 3. She didn't say it's impossible! Maybe it is Ol..."
"NO CASS." I said harshly, cutting her off. I knew what she was about to say and I didn't need to hear it. It was clear what the Doctor had said.
"She was saying it's impossible, Cass. She was just sparing me the harshness. You heard her, 28th or later - and I slept with Jayce on October 3; the exact day of conception. I didn't sleep with Oli in that time frame, so it's impossible. Besides, I vividly remember Oli throwing a used condom in the bin the last time we had sex." I said thinking back to that night in the hotel. I remember staring at the bin beside the sink as he fucked me and seeing his used condom land in it when he was done. I remembered it as clearly as if it were yesterday. "You're right. I'm sorry, I just..." she said not even knowing how to finish the sentence.
"It's alright Cass, I already knew." I said shaking my head to myself. "I know you're just trying to make this less awful for me, but I got myself into this mess. It's my fault for being a slut and sleeping with someone I didn't even know." I said.
"No! It's not your fault! You told him to use protection!! It's his fault for being so irresponsible and ignorant." she replied. "I knew he was bad news from the moment I saw him." Cassidy grumbled. I guess I did too and that was exactly why I did what I did with him. I was rebelling. I was trying to mask my misery and distract myself from my broken heart. I was only trying to help myself feel better, I never thought it would end up like this.
"What am I going to do?" I asked her. She just looked at me as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"I think we need to just go home and you need to think about it for a while." she said as she wrapped her arms around me, trying to support me.

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