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Oli and I headed back to the venue for soundcheck at 4pm and to meet the others who had all been out and about or at the hotel chilling out. "I'm so fucking exhausted." Oli said as we walked down the street. I felt sorry for him... He was running on the same amount of sleep as me, but I'd managed to sneak in a 2 hour hour nap while he was at that horrible radio interview - and he had to get on stage tonight while I had to do nothing at all. It seemed a little unfair that Oli and Jordan didn't have down time today like everyone else, and I felt a little bad that Oli spent what small amount of free time he did have with his face between my legs. "We should stay in tonight... We could get ice-cream and watch a movie or something? My shout." I suggested. I'm sure he'd want some physical stuff too, but I'd leave that up to him.
"Sure. Sounds like just what I need." he replied. I just smiled. I was excited to spend the night with him in that way. It finally felt like he was more comfortable with me.

The pre-show night was the same as always... soundcheck, catering, support acts, sitting around watching the guys play Playstation... though tonight that part was definitely different. Oli complained that he needed a massage as he cracked his neck, so as I walked past, I playfully grabbed his shoulders and squeezed them. He asked where I was going as I walked off, like he wanted to me keep doing it, so I did. I threw my legs over the couch and sat on the back of it with Oli in front of me so I could massage his shoulders and head as he sat watching Lee and Mat shooting things in their game. I guess I felt kind of bad for him for not having much of a break, and also grateful for the attention he gave me back in the hotel room - so he deserved some attention too. He seemed to thoroughly enjoy it, and I guess it was nice that he wasn't freaking out about the guys seeing me touch him. When it was his turn to play the game again, he looked up at me and thanked me. He looked so funny upside down, but it was adorable and my instinct was to kiss him, but I didn't... I didn't think he'd want the others seeing any sort of affection between us. He'd always kept that stuff behind closed doors. He'd never even hugged me in front of them!

At 9:30pm, I watched the guys walk onto the stage and the crowd go crazy, and I stood beside Jordan to watch the show and take photos. I never got sick of seeing their show, but part of me missed being down on the barrier with Cassidy. When the show ended, the guys changed into dry clothes but skipped showering and we headed back to the hotel on foot since it was literally a block away. As we approached, I could see fans waiting for them at the entrance – their umbrella-logo shirts from the merch stand were a dead giveaway, so I just fell back and let the guys go ahead. It wasn't the first time it had happened, but at least this time I had my own key so I could just go up to the room and not have to sit and wait for Oli. I went up to the room and posted a photo from the show, and messaged Cass telling her that I missed her. Even though I was having fun, it still would have been amazing if she were with me.

Oli arrived at the room about 10 minutes later and pulled his shirt off over his head

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Oli arrived at the room about 10 minutes later and pulled his shirt off over his head. I swear I would never get sick of seeing his tattooed torso, he was honestly so fucking sexy. "I'm just going to take a shower." he said straight away. I wondered if he would even want to stay awake to watch a movie like I'd suggested earlier, but I had promised a chilled out night with ice-cream, so I said I'd go to the store across the street while he was showering. "You know I need vegan right?" he asked. Duh. Of course I knew that. I laughed and said yes and asked him what flavour he liked. He replied with 'anything chocolate' so I knew I wouldn't have too many issues in finding something. I headed down the street to the grocery store and straight to the freezers to the Ben & Jerry's section. Wanting to please Oli, and not being 100% sure what to get, I ended up getting two chocolate-related flavours, and I picked up a bar of vegan chocolate too. It was way too much for 2 people, but at least the chocolate could travel with us if we didn't eat it. I walked back to the hotel with my purchases, and as I entered the lobby, 2 girls came running up to me and stopped me in my tracks. They looked somehow familiar but I didn't know who they were. "Hi, are you Oli Sykes' girlfriend?" one of them asked. What the fuck? LOL. I wish. 
"Uh, no." I laughed as I shook my head. My God it was so awkward.
"Oh OK. But you know him right? Could you give this to him?" she said as she handed me a piece of folded up paper. It was obvious that she was nervous, frantic even... and she was obviously a fan of the band.
"Sure." I said as I took it. She thanked me and I wished them a good night as the girls quickly ran away and I headed to the lifts. I was totally perplexed at the entire thing.

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