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The morning of our trip to Los Angeles had finally arrived and excitement coursed through my veins as I woke up that Thursday morning, even when I was being woken up by a screaming, hungry baby. I hadn't been on any kind of trip since Mexico, and this trip to Malibu felt kind of like deja vu; like a re-do of my Birthday trip last year. Cass was up shortly after Ivy and I, and I made us breakfast while she took the last of our things down to her car. "Are you excited to go on your first holiday, little one? Are you excited to see Daddy and meet his friends?" I asked Ivy as she just laid on the couch beside me looking up at me with curiosity. I was so excited that I was taking her on her first holiday trip and that Oli had organised everything for us. I was also really excited to see him on a stage again. It had been a really long time since I'd been to any concert, let alone one of his.

After eating and packing the last few things for our trip, I put Ivy into her baby capsule and we were off on a road trip in Cass' Jeep, just like the old days. Cassidy took me by a certain bakery; the one Oli had sent me the cakes from a couple of months back, and I picked up my order of delicious treats – all salted caramel since I knew that was what he liked and all Halloween themed. I thought taking him a box of delicious baked goods was the least I could do since he had invited us on this amazing week away and hadn't let me pay for everything. With my box of treats in hand, Cass drove us to the freeway and we were headed south to Los Angeles.

The drive would take around six hours and we were meeting Oli at the Marriott hotel not too far from LAX; the biggest airport possibly in the entire world. The label had put the guys up there since the venue was close by, so even though the beach and Malibu was still a couple of days away, I was just excited to get out of San Francisco. 

Oli and the rest of the band were arriving from Europe that morning at the ungodly hour of 7am, so I waited until around 9am to message him and let him know we were on our way. He replied saying they'd arrived at the hotel and that he was going to sleep for a few hours, but he'd have his phone on in case I needed to contact him. I couldn't imagine that I'd need to. We didn't bother taking the scenic, coastal route since it would have taken an hour longer... we planned to go that way when we travelled back to San Francisco with Oli anyway, so we were on the boring highway and due to arrive around 2pm. We stopped for gas at the half way point and also at a nearby park so I could feed Ivy and Cass could stretch her legs, but we were back on the road after about 20 minutes, eager to arrive in the city of angels. I messaged Oli as we approached LAX; just five minutes away from the hotel, and he said he'd meet us out the front.

Driving past LAX brought back memories of the last time I was in Los Angeles; it was the first out-of-town Bring Me The Horizon show that Cass and I had travelled to over a year ago. We had hired a car and were staying at a cheap, crappy motel... we queued all day for the show and it was the second time I gave Oli one my silly plastic roses. Cass had her 'Nicholls for President' sign that night, Oli sung 'Can you feel my heart' right in front of me as I stood on the barrier with bright pink hair and it was the night he posted a photo of the roses on his instagram and then liked my selfie. I remembered how excited I was that night; that first time I had any type of contact with Oli and even now, it still made my heart race. Knowing I was now going to stay at the same hotel as him, that he was going to greet us there, that I knew him, that we had Ivy... it was so surreal. It truly was crazy how much I had changed from that band-obsessed, pink-haired girl following a band around the country to the woman I was now. 

I had never stayed at one of the big chain hotels near LAX before but I was surprised by how nice the Marriott looked as it came into view through the windscreen. I guess it wasn't exactly a cheap hotel, but I always figured those ones around the airport were purely for stopovers or business people, not hotels you would go to for relaxation or an actual holiday. As we drove up the ramp to the entrance, Oli emerged from the door and just stood there with his hands in his pockets as we came to a stop. Seeing him felt surreal after all of the reminiscing I'd jut done, but my lips curled into a smile without hesitation. I loved seeing him, especially when he was smiling the way he was. He looked tired, but happy. "Hey." he said as he approached my window.
"Hey Oli." I replied happily.
"We should unpack your bags here so the staff can take them up to the room while we park the car." he suggested. That made sense, so that's exactly what we did.

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