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We pulled up outside the bar and I was honestly so surprised that Oli had come out for drinks with me. Just me. We went to the bar and waited for a minute or so before ordering cocktails and finding a seat outside under the fairy lights. We made small talk about the venue and things, but I was completely surprised when he wanted to talk about me. "So I've realised that I don't really know anything about you..." he said as we sipped our drinks. He's wasn't wrong, I don't think he'd ever asked me any personal questions or anything about my life. All he knew about me was what he'd read or seen on my instagram profile. "So what do you do in San Francisco? Did you grow up there? Do you live at home?" he asked. I guess they were the natural first questions to ask, but it was weird that he wanted to know.
"Yeah, Cass and I grew up in the same street and we live together now. We're both in our second year of university." I replied. "We've been friends for like 15 years." I added happily. It felt so good to tell him that... to tell him something about me.
"That's cool. I've been friends with Mat for around the same amount of time." he replied, fully engaging in the conversation. "So what are you studying at uni?" he asked curiously. The more questions he asked, the more surprised I was that he wanted to know.
"I'm doing a double degree in environmental science and biology, and journalism." I replied. He suddenly looked really surprised and confused so I tried to explain. "Basically animals, environmental stuff and being able to write about it." I added with a laugh. 
"Wow. You must be really smart." he said. I hated how people always assumed that I wasn't...
"I guess." I replied a little awkwardly.
"Sorry, I just wouldn't have guessed that about you." he said.
"That's OK, most people look at me and assume I don't have a brain." I replied with a laugh.
"So what do you wanna do, like what job does that line you up for?" he asked. He actually seemed really interested in me, and I guess it was kind of weird, but nice.
"I want to work for animal and environmental causes; I would love to do conservation research for World Wildlife Fund or something, but we'll see what happens. I still have 3 years of study to go." I replied. Oli seemed kind of taken back and maybe impressed by what I had just said.
"Wow. Smart, empowered and beautiful... that's a dangerous combination." he joked. "And adventurous... I mean, you followed a band on tour, so you obviously have a fun, spontaneous side." he said with a laugh. I could feel myself blushing as he talked about me. "How the hell are you single?" he asked suddenly. Why was he asking this?! And wait, did he just call me beautiful?! What the hell? I was overwhelmed.
"You tell me." I replied with a shrug.  He just looked at me and shook his head.
"There must be something wrong with you." he said in amusement.
"I don't know! You're a guy, you should know the answer to that better than me!" I replied cheekily. God he was flirting so hard, but I was loving the attention.
"Maybe guys are intimidated. I mean, if I didn't know you liked my band I probably wouldn't hit on you." he admitted with a laugh. 
"Are you kidding? Why?" I asked in total shock. Was he joking?
"I wouldn't have a chance." he said dramatically. He has GOT to be kidding.
"Please! You can have anyone you want." I said with an eye roll. He was being so dramatic.
"Not if I wasn't famous... Would you be here with me if I wasn't?" he laughed.
"You think I'm the type of girl who'd only like someone because they're famous?" I asked.
"No... but if I was just some guy in a bar you wouldn't talk to me." he laughed. I furrowed my brows at him. He was crazy if he really thought that.
"I don't know if you're just fishing for compliments, but you're gorgeous, British, tattooed and have a smile that could resurrect the dead... I would definitely talk to you." I stated. "Well... I'd keep making eye contact in the hope you'd come and talk to me anyway." I laughed as I took a sip of my drink. He was smiling, and I swear also blushing from my compliments.
"I'd assume you were looking at someone behind me." he joked as he took the last mouthful of his drink. I frowned at him dramatically and he laughed.
"You're cute when you frown." he said with chuckle. "Do you want another drink?" he asked as he got up. "Sure, Thanks." I replied. 

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