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Our movie and ice-cream night was a huge success, and even though Oli had already had enough pleasure for one day, he wanted to have sex after the movie. He said I deserved it after what I did to him earlier, but I'm pretty sure it was as much for him as it was for me, lol. We ended up in our outdoor shower and I asked him to give it to me the way he did the first time we had sex in Vegas; from behind, facing the wall. I was a little surprised that he remembered exactly how that was, but this time he kissed my shoulders, wrapped his arms around me... and he played with me to make sure I got my orgasm. He definitely didn't do that the first time in Vegas, lol. He laughed at me when my legs buckled from pleasure and he had to basically stop me from collapsing, but I didn't care at all. I felt amazing.

I got into my pajamas and joined him in bed and I asked if we had to get up early to meet the guys for another tour or day trip. He said we had nothing planned and threw the hotel activity program onto my lap, so I started flicking through it. "They have beach yoga in the morning!" I quipped as I read the schedule. 4 days was the longest I'd gone without yoga in months. Oli just raised an eyebrow at me as he laid on the bed with his phone. "Do you want to go?!" I asked excitedly. He frowned at me like I was absolutely crazy. "I'm the most un-flexible and un-coordinated person ever, so I'll pass." he said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes. Un-coordinated and un-flexible my ass, he didn't fuck like he was either of those things. "Do you mind if I go?" I asked. He looked at me with a frown yet again. 
"Of course not. I don't own you. Maybe I'll come watch... I might get inspiration after seeing what positions you can get into." he said as he winked. I just rolled my eyes. So sexual, as always.

- - - - - 

I snuck out of bed at 8am the next morning, dressed into my yoga gear; a skin-tight crop top and tights and I headed off for yoga while Oli remained fast asleep. It was absolutely amazing having mats set up on the beach and doing yoga in the morning sunshine and salty air. The male instructor seemed to pay me more attention than anyone else, lol, but I really enjoyed getting my zen on in such a beautiful setting! And for the record, Oli didn't come and perve.

When I arrived back at the bungalow, Oli was nowhere to be seen. I thought maybe he'd gone to visit one of the guys, or had gone to have breakfast without me, but when I realised the balcony door wasn't shut properly, I wandered outside. I almost laughed when I walked around the side and saw him in the pool; shirtless, his arms reclined back over the edge and his head back with his eyes shut. "Well you look relaxed." I said with a laugh, startling him a little. He looked at me and laughed and told me to get in. I didn't object since I was sweaty from yoga, so I un-elegantly stripped my skin tight pants off, deciding to get in wearing my crop top and g-string; I couldn't be bothered in changing into swimwear. "I swear you get hotter every fucking day." Oli said as he watched me. I felt my face go red, but I loved his compliment.

As soon as I was in the water, he came over to me so I ran my hands up his chest and let him know exactly what I was thinking. "God you're so fucking sexy. Your body is an absolute masterpiece." I said as I kissed his neck and ran my hands all over his body. "Me? Have you seen yours?" he laughed as he put his arms around me and squeezed my ass. "Absolute fucking perfection." he whispered by my ear. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his body then wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me deeply as we stood there cooling off. That kind of affection felt so normal, so comfortable... it was like neither of us hesitated with anything anymore - it was probably why it really felt like we were in a relationship. He just kind of wandered around the pool with me clinging to him and making out with him. The water took my temperature down, but he made my blood pump like crazy, God he was so sexy when he was wet. I didn't want to leave him, but after working out in the sun all morning, I was pretty thirsty. "Maybe I should go get us some drinks." I said as I released myself from his arms and headed for the ladder to get out.
"You're going?!" he questioned.
"I'm just going to be bar." I replied.
"Yeah but... the pool!" he said like h e didn't want me to go.
"I'll be back in 5 minutes." I laughed. He was being so needy! I threw a dress over my wet clothes and wandered to the bar to order a couple of fruity cocktails in jars. I know it was barely breakfast time, but it was just like a smoothie - with vodka, and I drank a whole bottle of water too, so it evened out. I headed back to our bungalow where he was still in the pool and kicked off my flip flops. "What kind of girly-ass drink is that?" he chuckled as he saw the cocktails.
"You'll like it." I said. I thought back to the gamer bar we went to in Indianapolis where he drank the same 7 cocktails as me... I didn't know why he was suddenly objecting to cocktails now. I handed him the drinks, pulled my dress off and decided to pull my crop top off too. Oli just looked at me as I got back into the pool in nothing but a g-string. I walked over to him and bobbed down to put my head underwater, and I tried to look sexy when I came back up with my hair wet and slicked back. My face was right in front of him and I wrapped my lips around the straw poking out of one of the drinks, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time. I knew it would make him think about my lips being around something else... "Well fuck." he said as he just stood there not doing anything. I almost spat my drink out in amusement, he was so easy to seduce. We canoodled and flirted, and he held me from behind as we chatted about random stuff in the water for a while. I think he was just doing that so he could play with my boobs to be honest, not that I minded. I made out with him, played with his wet hair and sucked at his neck before I headed off for another round of drinks - another round of the same drinks, because, guess what? Oli loved the 'girly-ass' drink lol. I relaxed on the sun lounger when I got back while Oli stayed in the pool and I messaged Cassidy, not about anything in particular, just to say 'Hi' really.
"What you doing?" Oli asked as he looked at me from the edge of the pool.
"Just saying Hi to Cassidy and telling her how hot you are." I replied. He laughed into his drink and told me to say Hi from him. I sat up and aimed my phone at him and he hid behind his drink like usual as I snapped a photo to send to her.

 I sat up and aimed my phone at him and he hid behind his drink like usual as I snapped a photo to send to her

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"She says Hi back." I told Oli with a laugh. I loved that he kind of knew my best friend... I guess I knew his pretty well after spending so much time with them too. I scrolled instagram and liked photos the guys had posted over the past day, and I noticed Jordan had started following me. Then I saw another name, another user that had started following me around the same time.

"Hey, um... is 'zoeandrewsofficial' your ex?" I asked Oli without a single ounce of hesitation.
"Yeah." he groaned with an eye roll. "What bullshit has she posted now?" he asked like he was frustrated. "Nothing, she just started following me." I replied. I felt kind of annoyed about it, like what, was she basically stalking Oli and anyone he got close to now? "Eugh, she's a fucking psychopath. If she starts messaging you, just remember that every word out of her mouth is a fucking lie." he said in a frustrated tone. Well, it was now obvious to me that he wasn't looking to get back with her, and I didn't want anything to do with her either. I could have blocked her, but maybe I wanted her to see that Oli had moved on, well, kind of at least.

We hung out for a while and decided to wander over to the cafe for brunch since we'd missed breakfast, well, apart from our boozy smoothies, lol. Oli's choice of shirt seemed so amazingly appropriate and I couldn't help but laugh to myself when I read it. "Nice shirt." I said with a chuckle.
"Thanks, it's new." he said like he knew why I was commenting on it. I'd already spotted the Drop Dead label on the bottom corner; his clothing brand, so I knew that he'd probably designed it.
"Who did you have in mind when you came up with that?" I asked. He just looked at me and laughed. I guess I already had a pretty good idea. While we were sitting at the cafe, I took a photo of the shirt, making sure it was obvious that he was wearing it and I posted it to instagram. I know it was bitchy, but I genuinely hoped that my newest follower, aka his cheating ex girlfriend would see it.

 I know it was bitchy, but I genuinely hoped that my newest follower, aka his cheating ex girlfriend would see it

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