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Saturday morning.  Halloween. The day we had all been waiting for; the day we head out for our week by the beach in Malibu. 

I was up earlier than everyone, which was normal seeing as Ivy liked to be fed at 6am, so I quietly packed my things away as Cassidy slept. She hadn't come home until quite late and seeing as she'd been drinking, she was probably going to be down and out for a while, so I got dressed and headed down for breakfast at 7am.

I'd only just sat down and ordered a coffee with the waitress when Oli messaged me and asked if I was awake. I replied telling him I'd just arrived at breakfast so he said he'd head on down in ten minutes. It was funny that Oli and I were the only ones awake, that everyone who'd been out last night were still sleeping off the alcohol and late return home. I remembered how in Acapulco we were usually the ones who were late for breakfast or morning plans and now it was the complete opposite. I guess that's what being a parent does to you...

"Good morning." I said with a smile as I saw Oli arrive. Even in the morning, fresh out of bed in a beanie and hoodie, he looked so good. I scooted over a little so he could sit next to me on the comfortable chair and he nudged me with his shoulder after flopping onto the seat. "How are we the first ones up?" he asked with a chuckle.
"I literally thought the exact same thing." I replied in amusement. He ordered coffee, we ate our food and talked mostly about Malibu... he was obviously so excited for it and I was too. He gave me the address for the house since Cass, Ivy and I would be going in the Jeep rather than the band's van, but then proceeded to ask if he could ride with us. I laughed and said I was sure it would be fine for him to join the "girls" car.

Mat, Jordan and Lee arrived about 45 minutes after us and I asked them how their night had been as I drank my second coffee. They looked like they had recovered OK but advised us that Matt and Tilly were going to be really hungover, as was Brian and the rest of the crew that had gone out. I just laughed. Since I'd already finished, I decided to leave Oli to chat with his friends and take some fruit and a coffee up to the room for Cassidy. I didn't know what state she'd be in, but seeing as she hadn't messaged me, I figured she must still be asleep. When I arrived at the room, she was organising her things and Ivy was just laying on the bed. "Oh hey, I was just about to message you." she said.
"Sorry, I was up early so went down for breakfast with Oli. Here, I swiped you some fruit and got you a coffee." I said as I sat it on the desk for her.
"Oh my God, you are THE BEST." she said as she started peeling the banana. 
"So, I want all the gossip. What happened last night with you and Brian?" I questioned as I sat cross-legged on the bed and picked up my sleepy little Ivy to cuddle her. "Well, we talked a lot, flirted a lot, I might have made out with him, but I decided to keep my legs closed and make him work for it. Your girl can't make it too easy for him." she said with a wink. I just chuckled. I was actually proud of her in a way. "That's a very good strategy. I approve. We'll see how many nights you can keep it up though." I giggled.
"Oh. I have no intention of doing it again. I'm getting on the D train tonight!" she laughed. God she was funny. "Don't listen to her Ivy, Aunty Cass is a bad influence!" I said. She just laughed.
"So did Oli come and see you last night?" she asked.
"Yeah, he did." I replied. "We just watched a movie but I fell asleep. I'm not exactly the most fun person to hang out with. Why did he come home so early anyway?" I asked. She just looked at me for a second.
"Honestly? He couldn't go anywhere or do anything without girls throwing themselves at him and he wasn't entertaining it at all. He literally hated it. Plus, he said he felt guilty that you were back here with Ivy..." she admitted. I just rolled my eyes. "God, I told that boy to go and have fun, I was fine! It was one night!" I laughed.
"I'm not sure being in a loud, crowded bar surrounded by girls is really his idea of fun anymore. He was practically hiding and I told him to come back here if that's what he genuinely wanted, so he did." she replied. Maybe I shouldn't have insisted he went out, but I thought he was just being polite in offering to stay with me... I guess I shouldn't have been so pushy about him going. "He honestly hated it there and wanted to be here." she said.
"I just didn't want him to feel obliged to give up a night out, that's all." I replied.
"I know, but I genuinely think he just wanted to be with you... Anyway babe, I really need to take a shower before we leave, you can come sit on the toilet and we can keep chatting if you want." she said as she turned the water on in the shower.
"The glass isn't even frosted..." I laughed.
"So? Not like you haven't seen me naked before!" she yelled out over the shower. She was right, I'd seen her butt naked plenty of times, but I was quite OK where I was and I probably should pack the last of my things while I had the room to myself anyway. "I'll pass." I replied.
"Well we can talk more in the car." she yelled over the water.
"Oh. About that. I told Oli he could ride with us to Malibu. He wanted to get away from the others." I yelled.
"Of course he does!" she replied from the bathroom. 

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