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Somehow, I was still horny. Even though we'd just had sex, I could have started all over again with Oli in that dressing room. That would have been an unfair request for him though seeing as he had just finished a show. He was just so fucking sexy, my entire body wanted him. I couldn't stop staring at him as he dressed into fresh clothes and innocently put on his shoes. Even just watching him drink water and brush his hair was doing it for me. Fucking hell, a fire had been lit within me since seeing him on stage and it had spread like wildfire. I was insatiable.

The guys, their wives and girlfriends and their family members were all drinking and chatting when Oli and I emerged from his dressing room. I was so nervous and embarrassed that someone would notice and make a big deal about it, but luckily, nobody really noticed us arrive. I'm sure Mat knew what we'd been up to when he caught my gaze and smirked, but I guess he just gave us a pass this time around. Thank God. We hung around backstage while people changed and got ready to go out, but we all went to the stage before we left. The stage setup was already being dismantled, but we found the space to stand in a big circle to do a cheers to the end of the tour. "To the end of an era." Emma said as she held her little boy in her arms.
"To the next album being even more successful." Jordan said.
"Oh fuck off mate, let's not think about that yet." Oli laughed which made everyone laugh along. Standing on that stage with Oli, the band and everyone close to him was a wonderful moment and I had tears in my eyes as they reminisced and talked about the tour. Oli held my hand and Mat smiled at me from the other side of our circle knowingly when someone brought up Mexico. Despite how it ended, it was a wonderful week so I smiled back. I loved the friendship Mat and I had managed to make in such a short amount of time. Ivy decided to cry and interrupt the entire group, so I excused myself to go and feed her and Oli's Mom came with me. I swear she cried just because she wasn't the centre of attention for 10 whole minutes...



I feel so many things right now... I'm so happy the tour is over and I can focus on my family, I don't even know what the hell got into Willow just before in that dressing room either - not that I'm complaining, lol. I guess it's weird to know I wont be on a stage for such a long time though... that I won't even be around the guys to jam or write or whatever. I feel like I might get withdrawals, lol.

"Hey man." Mat said as he approached me.
"Hey brother, how you feeling? Glad it's over?" I asked.
"Yes and no." he replied with a shrug. "How about you? Are you looking forward to moving to San Francisco?" he asked. I guess I would miss Mat, it's not like we hung out every weekend or anything when we weren't on tour, but it would be so weird to not see him for such a long time. "I am. I asked her to move in with me..." I blurted out which made him look surprised.
"Oh really? That's awesome. What did she say?" he asked.
"Well, she seemed happy but she won't say yes before speaking to Cassidy." I explained. "I told her she can move in with us too though, so I don't know why she would say no." I added. Mat just kind of laughed. "I'm sure she will say yes. You do realise you'll be the only man in a house full of females though..." he chuckled.
"Oh yeah, I already know it." I laughed. We both took sips of our drink and I realised that I was actually really going to miss him... in our down time between tours, we'd often jam together or just go our for a drink, go to family gatherings and stuff... it was going to be weird not being able to do that. "You're going to come and visit us heaps, right?" I asked him.
"Yeah man, get a spare bed for me, I'll come all the time. You think I'm going to miss seeing my Goddaughter grow up?" he replied with a laugh. That made me happy. "You know, I'm really happy you and Roses figured things out." he said seriously.
"So am I." I replied. I really was. Life felt like it had purpose now, I felt like I belonged somewhere, I didn't feel like I was just drifting through life meaninglessly. Nothing I used to worry about or think was important felt that way anymore, I was just... happy.
"Dude, you're smiling." Mat chuckled as he nudged me. I laughed at myself, totally unaware that I was even doing it. "What can I say? I'm just really happy." I replied. Mat rolled his eyes at me, but I knew he was happy that I was.
"Alright Casanova, let's get going. I need a drink." he said.

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