What Lives Over Our Eyes

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Dreamweaver: My Lord? Have you called for me?

?: I have, I wish for you to tell me your sectors report

Dreamweaver: Of course

She reached out with her hand and displayed a large map, with seemingly infinite spots dotted around them.

Dreamweaver: Before I begin, I always wondered how you are able to command such a massive force so easily, what is it?

?: Curious aren't you? With subordinates, the tasks become easier. A single Empress for each world, and a Dreamweaver for a cluster of them

Dreamweaver: Of course, that would make perfect sense. I shall narrow down the map now

The worlds started zooming out as the map seemed to be focusing onto more specks. Eventually settling on 5 of them.

My cluster has been going well, with reports coming in as usual...however, each one has had it's problems already

?: Oh?

Dreamweaver: In each of these worlds, there is an influential figure that leads the crusade against us in some way. This lead too, at least in most of them, the loss of the Siren armada and in one simply peace between the two factions

?: Peace? We do not make peace...how did this happen 63891?

Dreamweaver:...I'm still surprised there's that many of me...Anyways, the first world had a distinct lack of High rank Sirens,  so the Observer kidnapped a human and turned them into a Purifier unit

?: Giving a human that kind of power wouldn't be good, what countermeasures were made?

Dreamweaver: From what I've seen, nothing large other than the target's acceptance into the role

?:...Move on

Dreamweaver: Of course. The second one has an anomaly from a broken part of history that shouldn't exist, yet was able to bring themselves to life

?: That sounds interesting...has there been research?

Dreamweaver: Yes, but we are unable to get close for she has proven to be too much for the units too handle. She has integrated the Siren components into herself and has gained the ability to teleport, at least from what we've seen

?: Something to investigate later. Next

Dreamweaver: Next is the world where Wisdom cubes were discovered far earlier than in the others, and this led to the creation of a large and powerful battleship that was pivotal in the creation of shipgirls

?: And what of this world's fate?

Dreamweaver: She has defeated the Empress, who was a converted human, in single combat. She perished as well letting the Empress inhabit her body. Sometime later the Empress could no longer sustain herself and the shipgirl took full control once again

?:*sigh* And all these problems come from your worlds...

Dreamweaver: Next is the only one I personally intervened with. The shipgirls murdered one of their own, and she came back with supernatural powers we have never combatted before. She destroyed the Sirens, if only temporarily for now, and made peace with Azur lane


Dreamweaver: F-finally...we have the IJN Akagi, who left the alliance after the Orochi project was sent in and destroyed. She took the Siren essence into herself and became a near perfect example of a crossbreed. She defeated the Arbiters present in the universe and...well we can't see her fate yet, she hasn't truly reached her destiny point


The person stood up, staring Dreamweaver down, who was sweating nervously.

?: I have no way to control what happens, but you must find some way to wrangle these worlds back into shape. We can't have any loose ends when it comes to this

Dreamweaver: O-of course my Lord

?: You are dismissed

Dreamweaver teleported to leave, making her way back to her cluster.


The unknown person lifted her hand, watching as a rip in space was created and allowed her to view the worlds Dreamweaver mentioned.


She crushed it in her hand, her teeth were bared and she was growling angrily.

?: Foolish insects thinking they can win?! They are up against a multiverse with their measly numbers!

Her rage lit up the room as the lights turned on, something that happened automatically.

Calming herself, she looked back to her throne and saw her trophy she hung above it. Looking at it always served to calm her down, knowing it was her first major victory.

It was a staff, with a skull wearing a magic hat above it.

?: They will submit, and if they don't, I'll make them

She sat down on the throne, as she felt the homeworld of the Sirens all around her.

She was everything, and everything was her.

?: No mortals can resist the temptations of a god...

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