Training: Final Day

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Joseph and Caesar's training has been well underway, and the two have grown quickly over the weeks of training!

Z73 has experienced more way to use The Spin, and had come one step closer to perfecting her new technique!

Six days until the rings dissolve!

It was night time, approaching dawn actually, and while most people in this time zone would be fast asleep or just barely waking for their day, our trainees and their teachers weren't these people, and were up there entire night.

For Joseph and Caesar, they are about to go through their final test: To defeat the instructors who have trained and tormented them for so long.

For Z73, she has other plans, and that involves pushing the Spin into territory that, if successful, will prove to be her most valuable asset in any battle or stealth Op.

She was inside her room, standing up with her legs straightened and her arms to her sides. Her eyes were closed and she was seemingly sleeping while standing up, but in reality, she was least, to the outside eyes.

'The Golden Ratio is incredible, but it can still go so much farther...but what is the catalyst for this power? What do I need to achieve infinity?'

She sighed and opened her eyes, the slightly golden tint fading away as she stopped channeling the Spin in her core. "I think that's enough of the ratio for now, I should at least try this out."

She grabbed a glass of water from the nightstand, holding it in her hand and keeping it in front of her. She narrowed her eyes as she generated the spin, applying the Golden Ratio once more to the process, thinking of it's endless spiral and it's constant container of the rectangle.


When she saw the light glowing of her chest, she smiled as her eyes shifted from her usual purple, to a dull yellow.



The world broke and cracked, before it all seemingly faded to dust as she activated her signature ability: The ability to erase space, and thus leave only Time.

'Such a powerful ability, and all it really is from an outside perspective is ten seconds of memory loss...'

She looked at the cup of water she still technically held, before letting go of it. As usual, a red version of the cup went down first, predicting the truthful path of the glass of water.

Usually, she can barely interact with the outside world during this ability, only able to stop objects by using herself as a barrier. With the Spin...she's hoping to be able to correct that, and possibly make Fracture even deadlier of an ability.

Still generating the Spin, she put her hand below the slowly falling glass, letting the red variant pass right through her hand shortly before the real glass plopped down on it.

"Now...the big moment."

She put the Spin through her body, arms, legs, torso, and head, all of it was filled with the wonderful energy of the Spin. Finally, with that thought, she lifted her arm, and awaited the results.


The red variant of the glass of water appeared above her hand, going if something pushed it from below. Feeling giddy, she let go of the glass, and it tracked the red one's path effortlessly.

She felt the grip of Fracture on Space weaken, and she grabbed the cup as the world around her returned to normal, the glass of water sitting undisturbed in her hand.

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