Chaos in the Wind

402 28 33

Unwavering Bravery - Siren Trigger Keiko theme

"Nggh...I think I got wood in my ears."

Akagi pulled herself out from the tree, completely uninjured from the attack. She has taken far larger and deadlier attacks from even the Arbiters so that Titan was no problem...speaking of which.





'That ain't good.'

(Empress)"It really isn't, so hurry and get going. We have to make sure Keiko and the others are safe."

'They should be since tall and blonde is still right there.'

Sure enough, the female Titan was standing ahead of the tree she kicked her into, not even moving as she looked to where the others were. Strength was there, so she had nothing to worry about when it came to the defense of them.

Akagi walked forward, stepping on something crunchy as she did. Looking down, she saw some fragments of the crystals that defended the Titan from harm, still as sharp ever.

She bent down and picked it up, noting how it feels like glass. 'Any ideas as to what this stuff is?'

(Temperance)" was used to defend the Titan's body, so it might be a form of natural armor."

(Yamato)"Yeah, a natural materializing armor that can form across most surfaces, even moving tendons and muscle."

(Empress)"A form fitting and highly flexible suit of ultra hard material as body armor would be an unbelievable advantage against small arms. Considering what you usually fight against though, I would say it's useless."

She looked at the rest of the shards, spotting one larger than the rest and seemingly more whole than them too. Dropping the piece she held, she walked over to that piece and picked it up, tossing it up a few times before letting it rest in her hand.




I'm about to use this shit and see what happens.'

(Empress)"Probably a bad idea."

'Maybe, but it's my risk to take.'

Her hand started to glow blue, spreading up here arm before reaching her chest and making it glow blue as well. She waited until her chest seemingly started to hum, before taking the shard and pushing it to her chest.

Like with the energy core that she uses to form her mirage blades, the large crystal sunk into her body and completely vanished, where she felt a new rush of energy and power flow through her body.

'Oh yeah~...'

She flexed her hands, before shifting her weight to her left foot and bending it, putting her right leg out fully extended. Her left tucked close to her stomach into a fist, while her right was put in front of her face, palm up while curling the fingers.

Once she found this stance, she sent energy across her body, then kicked up a shard and sent it flying off into a tree, which ricocheted back toward her. The stance was re-assumed and her energy pumped through her, and once the shard hit the barrier, it disintegrated and filled her with some sort of energy.

'Kinetic energy...but since I hold it, I assume it's like Beowolf where it will expel it when I command.'

She dropped the stance, smiling and patting herself down. 'An absolute guard against any and all attack...just like a guardsman is suppose to be for their king right?'

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