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The Ancient Dragon - Arbiter: Goddess I theme 2

Holograms sit free floating and still, all of which are watching different subjects of interest. From her throne, Goddess kept a close eye on all five of them, watching their exploits and experiences, watching their growth, their success, and their failures...all of it was there for her to see.

The cube of her sister, Magician, sat next to her, the blackened cube simply staying underneath it's glass covering. The woman it belongs to was silent as she also observed the holograms.

"Fascinating aren't they? They all have their own versions of strength, tackling their situations in their own inventive and ingenious ways." She smiled as she looked between all of them, seeing their battles and their progress through the worlds they traveled to. "Such marvels of life, fit for what reality truly is: Survival and Struggle."

As she looked through each person, her eyes lingered on the one who caught her interests the most, that being the Siren of the group. "You seem to be the wildcard of this cluster. You are a Purifier, but why are you so...aberrant?"

The Purifier in question is the very one that we have followed all this time. She was currently speaking with some people on this world of 'Remnant', and personally, Goddess found no reason to listen in.

'Such a magnificent Purifier unit, and to believe they were once human...they have grown to the most powerful Purifier I have ever seen.'

She smiled, staring at the woman who has proven to be more than any Purifier could have been. 'Has there been a change in you to encourage this growth? Perhaps this was simply to be as the only recorded case of human turned Siren.'


Goddess stood from her chair, spreading her massive wingspan to full breadth. "Perhaps I should allow my wings to full size for once? Is that a good idea Magician?"

The cube briefly flashed, before Goddess nodded and closed her eyes. Her wings began to grow in size, taking up more and more of the floor around her before suddenly stopping.

Her wings raised up into the air, spanning a massive 30 feet before she slowly raised from the ground, the feathers attached to her wings gently ruffling as they raised her into the air. Her tail slowly left the floor, before furling up in the air behind her. "Sister, I shall take my leave. There are matters I wish to investigate."

The cube flashed something, but Goddess paid no mind, even as a scowl appeared on her face. A portal opened up in front of her, and she gently glided through it, touching the floor with not a sound echoing out as she did.

The portal closed, and she realized how cramped the room is for her wings, seeing as her wings bent in slightly at their ends. She furled her wings, and looked around the room she arrived in.

'This room is where a lot of her residual energy resides. It permeates the air, and it also mixes with the other energy source that seems present.'

She walked around the room, her bare feet tapping the carpet without a sound, and her talons, as sharp and deadly they were, never pierced or ripped the carpet. It was as if she was never stepping on the floor, but she very clearly was.

She made her way to the bed, looking over it with her shining red eyes, and her pupils the shape of reptilian slits. Her eyes slowly rolled over the pillow on the end of the bed, where she kept her focus intensely on.

"Hmm..." Her eyes narrowed, and the pillow was suddenly in front of her. Taking it in her hand, she looked at the pillow's case, seeing the amount of energy coating it.

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