Deal With Your Devil

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Kurfürst was...well, she was many thing right now. Confused? Absolutely. Horrified? Probably.

Although, curious shouldn't be one of them, even if she is feeling that too.

A quick recap is probably needed right now, and the short of it is simple...

A BIGASS worm that looked like a living mountain just came up out of nowhere, SWALLOWED Delta squad(barely missing her), and then fucked off somewhere else.

"..." She was locked on the spot for a few minutes now, her brain trying to catch up to the ridiculousness of such a massive creature actually being alive.

Eventually, she shook her head, looking out to the absolutely massive tunnel carved out under the surface, and seeing what the Locust were truly using to level the playing field...literally. She grabbed her dropped Halberd, and began to walk towards the outer parts of the Ilima sinkhole.

"Good the hell am I going to kill that? Marcus, Dom, Ben, Cole, and Baird...all of you got swallowed like nothing." Her fist clenched, as her shock and sorrow began to burn away in a deep well of fury.

She looked towards where the Worm left to, still seeing some of it's body, many miles away from where it devoured the five. Her teeth grit as she stared it down, her eyes locking on like a missile.

'I didn't see Tai anywhere, so either he wasn't here with them, or...' The thought brought even more rage to her. Losing another comrade, even if briefly known, was something the centuries old woman hated the most.

In the many wars she has gone through, countless men and women have fallen in her care, some even in her arms, and those days are ones that she swears never to forget. Some say you only truly die when no one remembers you, and she strictly forbids that for the many she had grown to know.

"That's why..." A single step, not even with much force at all, and the ground around her foot cracked and broke.

The area began to rumble, her cube's energy skyrocketing while she took another step forward. "I swear I'll avenge you all..."

The next moment, debris was thrown in the air, Kurfürst running along at speeds she never knew before towards the beast. Each footfall sent anything not bolted down flying through the air, like a cyclone that ripped through the lands around it.

She also ran into many Locust patrols along the way, but none could lift a finger to stop her before their bodies were turned to mush from the sheer force of her travel. It wasn't even like she paid them mind either, her eyes locked on the Giant Rockworm.

However, ahead of her, inside the tunnels the beast had recently carved out, she saw a small transport squad, and they were traveling with a Berserker in chains. They were probably taking it to their next sunken city, to unleash once the city collapsed into the Earth from the worm.

With the narrowing of her eyes, she diverted her attention briefly to the group, who had already turned around at the thundering sound of her approach. "You're in my way!!"

She never slowed, and never faltered, even as she stormed into the group. The Berserker already turned to her, and Kurfürst's free hand formed a fist and drew back as she came to it.

With a quick step, she moved to the side of the Berserker, and clotheslined it with her arm. Now with the Berserker in her arm, she decided to simply end it, no theatrics needed, a big worm needed to be hunted after all.

Her arm shook as she poured her power into it, and with a quick jerk, her arm cleaved through the Berserker as easily as scissors through paper, and all of it happened while on the run. She never truly gauged how powerful she had become, but clearly it was too much for even these mighty tanks to handle.

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