Rude Awakenings

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"Dear God, finally out of that..." Dom was rubbing his ears as they stepped out into a small courtyard, already having several Wretch corpses around when they tried to jump them when they stepped outside.

The group had just gotten through several hallways full of turrets, most of which Kurfürst simply tanked as the bullets bounced off her armor and skin. Then there was the few Wretches around that they killed off quickly too, leaving them in the rain as they were now.

"I suppose it's time we continue deeper now right? We still need to find why this location is so important that it had to be kept hidden away."

Continuing into the building, the trio encountered even more Wretches and even more turret defenses, which were both really starting to get annoying. Why did this place have so many turrets, and where the hell did the Wretches come from?!

"Marcus, you there?"

Marcus put a finger to his earpiece. "I hear you Baird, everything good out there?"

"Coast is still clear, but look's like the weather is taking a turn for the worse."

As if on cue, an incredibly loud thunder strike shook the windows, echoing through the buildings seconds after a bright flash of lightning. "We'll try and make this quick then."

They continued on relatively quietly, the rain pelting the window being the only thing that shook their quiet walk. A stairwell leading further down was just ahead, and as they travelled down, Dom decided to break the silence.

" think they kept POWs here?"

"From the Pendulum Wars? I doubt it. This place was designed to keep people out, not in."

"If I can add my two cents..." They both turned to Kurfürst, who was leading ahead of them. "This is a research facility, so if these defenses are keeping things out, there must be something of incredible value...or horrendously in humane, stored down here."

"Sounds like a solid answer to me." Marcus agreed with her statement, and Dom's silent nod showed he was believing that thought too.

"As you make your way through our facility, do let us know if you encounter any conditions that do not meet our standards. We aim to please at New Hope."

"I'm not buying that AI's talk at all. If we manage to find it's core, I'm tearing it out."

They continued on some more, several hallways yet again filled with Wretches and turrets that were simple enough to deal with now that they've seen them so many times. The weather was growing ever worse if the sounds were to go by as well.

"Marcus, this is Baird! Weather's gone to shit, and it looks like Razorhail is on it's way. If this keeps up we're gonna have to head inside."

"Alright, get out of the storm. We'll get out there as soon as we can."

With that done, they moved along quicker through the facility, hoping to reach the end and see what they can scrounge up before the hail hits. However, as they turned down one final hallways, Marcus and Dom's eyes widened slightly as they saw the defense system in place.

Down the entire hallway, there was turret after turret, all lined up perfectly so no one can get past. To the left was another corridor, but housing several switches, presumably to let whoever is in the hallway go through.

"Holy shit..."

"I'm with you on that Dom..."

Kurfürst was simply staring at it, rolling her shoulders...before marching forward. Marcus almost reached out to grab her, before he remembered just who she was.

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