Last Sight of Home

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Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin

It was a supernatural sight for sure.

Different girls going about their day, getting different tasks done, and socializing as they usually did, that all came to a slow halt as an unknown entity walked through their base with a woman in her arms. Familiar faces kept close eye on the two, eyes keeping good track of the obviously non-Human carrying another Human.

They were all Kansen, and most who began to lag behind the Draconic woman decided to follow, curiosity getting to most of them on her seemingly predetermined path. She never looked up from the woman in her arms, keeping her gaze low and firm, just as her grip on the lady was.

Soon enough, it became obvious where she was going. Her path took her from the entrance of the Pearl Harbor Kansen base to the furthest reaches, where the Office and Docks were.

The Dragon's eyes looked up from the woman, seeing her desired target just ahead and looking out to the Ocean. She could see the woman holding a Pendant, one with the Symbol of the New German Navy, or Ironblood, framed in beautiful Gold.

It almost made her visibly sorrowful. A Pendant of a gift, from mother to child.

The very mother she had dead in her arms.

Bismarck heard the soft creaking of wood behind her, and looked over her shoulder to see a tall, Draconic woman, a Siren of some sort, standing there and staring at her. Her immediate instinct was to summon her Rigging, but she held back from that when she realized the woman wasn't being hostile towards her...and carrying a person.

Her eyes went up and down the human she was holding, noting the muted Blonde hair with streaks of Grey through it showing her age. Not only that, but she was dressed in a black Bodysuit, incredibly reminiscent of her mother.


For some reason, she felt worry begin to seed in her heart. She looked back up at the eyes of the Dragon, who was still staring, with naught but Regret and Pity.

That only made the feeling worse.

Carefully, Bismarck walked up to the pair, looking at the woman in her arms much closer. She was...eerily familiar, like she knew her from somewhere.

" this?" Her question was meant for the Siren, who didn't answer her with words, and instead acted.

Her deep red eyes glowed faintly, and a picture appeared from seemingly nowhere, a picture she had seen before. Grabbing it from it's floating place, she observed the people within, noting the famous man she was named after, his wife, several of his close Aids, and...


Her hand began to shake, looking between the picture and the woman in the Siren's arms, a horrifying realization coming to light that she didn't want to believe. Another look into the eyes of her holder gave only another look of pity, one that was answered with a small nod.

Slowly, Bismarck looked back down to the person, her hand slowly reaching out to touch her cheek, hoping that the thoughts she was having were but a lie. Gently, she laid it on her cheek, waiting for her own touch to respond to her panicked mind.


All at once, her mind froze.

The cheek of the woman was cold...too cold to mark life. Her vision soon grew cloudy as her hand went lower, feeling with her fingers on her neck for a pulse.


The soft tap of a tear hitting the wood was the one thing to break the silence, as the Dragon slowly kneeled down to the ground, Bismarck following her down while holding back whatever sobs she could. Soon, she placed the Mother, on the Docks, holding her up to let Bismarck take hold.

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