Cleansed Ocean

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It was a peaceful day, like it had been for the last few. Birds native to Hawaii were flying around as the girls rested and relaxed on the beach just beyond the trees the birds rested in.

Down on the beach, we see a familiar blonde leaning back in her chair, tanning herself alongside her sister.

Hornet: This is the life...don't you agree York?

Yorktown: While I would agree, I do believe we are being a bit lax

Hornet: Aww, don't be that way! The war is over and Alpha still makes sure to send out Siren patrols so we still have jobs!

Yorktown:...That's a horrible way to put it

Hornet: It is, but it's the best way to put it


Yorktown: Hmm...I wonder where she is?

Hornet: Who? Are you still looking for Enterprise?

Yorktown looked to her little sister.

Yorktown: You know where she is?

Hornet: Yep, she's just over there

She pointed to a person at the end of the docks, dressed in a familiar black coat, one that they only ever see on their sister...or now, the body she shares with another.

Her eyes were a light purple as she drew a bow, firing at a very distant target and hitting the bullseye. Smirking, she de-summoned the bow and stepped down from her platform.

Hornet: Hey Enterprise!

They turned to Hornet, the smirk fading as a more gentle smile spread out. She waved to them as both Hornet and Yorktown returned the gesture.

Yorktown: That's one Siren down, since that's Cleanser as well

Hornet: Yep...but where's-

?: I...

They stopped talking as they heard that singular declaration.

?: am...

They both looked around, trying to find where the familiar voice was coming from.

Yorktown: Do you see anything?

Hornet: Nothing...where the hell is she?!

They both still were confused on it, but nobody saw the movement of sand underneath Hornet's chair.



Sand was sent high into the air with Hornet going with it all, screaming at the top of her lungs as Yorktown stood up quick and got away before the sand fell on her.

Hornet landed face first in the sand, laying there for a bit longer before she stood up and spat out the sand in her mouth.

?: Right here!

?: Right here!

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