Prophetic Prowess

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The loose radio chatter, as well as the constant attacks above them really sold the situation well to Kurfürst about what was happening. The lone Gear on Eduard's back, who she learned was named Ron Holmes, told her it was something called Operation: Hollow Storm, a very powerful name for an Operation of this magnitude.

Unfortunately for her, she found herself between two lines of 'Assault Derricks' that traversed through the forests and mountains towards wherever they were targeting. She needed to wait for an opportune time to support them, lest she gets attacked and, God forbid, Eduard gets killed.

Although, the cliff side Derrick she was following, carrying a group of Gears she was incredibly familiar with, started to list a bit before tumbling forward down a slope, having lost it's grip on the mountain terrain and hurtling towards a lumber mill. She egged Eduard in a little bit more, but kept him behind the tree line before turning to look at the Gear with her.

"Boy, you're free to join up with Sergeant Fenix."

"Re-really? Just like that?"

She gave him a nod, and he slid down Eduard's back and fell to the floor, pulling out his still functioning Snub pistol and running out of the tree lines, blasting at some of the Locust. Kurfürst closed her eyes and connected to their radio channel, simply listening in.

"What the?! Where the hell did you come from?!" She smiled, recognizing Dom's voice over the comms.

"My units dead, but some woman in armor with a damn tamed Brumak picked me up! I'm not bullshitting!"

"Woman in armor...Marcus-"

"Don't Dom, she fell into the Imulsion, remember? No one can survive that, not Corpsers, not Brumaks...not her"

She knew that was Marcus, so she hopped down from Eduard's head and held up a hand, telling him to stay put for now. She looked out towards the still raging battle as one of the soldiers, who sounded like he was a Southern American man, repaired their Assault Derrick.

She smiled, putting a hand to her ear. "Wow, no faith in me even after all I've done Sergeant? I'm quite hurt."

She saw him and Dom catch themselves, both seemingly surprised before looking back towards where Ron ran out from. Dom opened his mouth to speak, but a roar snapped him around, and he saw a Locust drone running towards him with a stolen Lancer, chainsaw reeved and ready to rip him apart.

"Shit!" He barely had time to start up his own saw, but he was able to lock chains with the drone as both fought to kill the other. He was caught off guard, but thankfully, a spray of bullets ripped into the side of the drone, killing it pretty quickly and making it drop the gun.

"Thanks Marcus!"

"Dom, that wasn't me."

He turned to him to ask what he meant, but a hailstorm of gunfire rang out from the woods, tearing apart the Locust horde that attacked them. Once it fell silent, they all turned to the woods with their weapons raised, listening in to the crunching of footsteps and the sounds of clinking metal plates.

Sure enough, when the figure stepped into the light and gave the two a view of her face, their eyes showed more than enough of their surprise as she gave them her infamous calming smile. "Boys, a pleasure to see you again."

Her Halberd was in her right hand, the tip barely above the ground and held in a relaxed grip. Her left hand held RAAM's handheld Troika, the tip pointed to the sky and smoking from the gunfire.

Dom has to double take, rubbing his eyes and all. "Kurfürst?! How in the hell are you alive?!"

"Please, it'll take more than that to stop this warrior." She put her Halberd to her back, walking forward and soon getting embraced in a hug by the slightly shorter Dom, which she returned.

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