The Mighty Dragon

219 12 8

Overcoming the Dragon

Music is recommended for this chapter

The yard was filled with a yell, as Z73 charged at Goddess, the first one to step up and attack the woman. The Spin was humming brightly in her chest, and she aimed an enhanced punch straight to the woman's stomach.

Goddess stood there, watching her attack grow closer and closer before smirking. She took a deep breath, and widened her stance a small bit, digging her feet into the ground.

Then the punch landed.

The clouds above parted way from the shockwaves released, the dust and dirt of the surrounding area kicking up into a violent storm around the yard. Z73's small smile of victory soon fell away, only confusion left behind as she realized what had happened when she hit her.

Goddess grabbed her arms, hurling her back towards the others. The dust cleared off and revealed their enemy, as spotless and strong as ever. "A good attempt little destroyer, but not good enough."

'I...I hit her with a fully charged Spin punch! How is she standing?!' The destroyer's eyes were shrunken as her heart raced, disbelief clouding her mind.

Kurfürst noticed her disarray, and stood in front of her to shield her from the Arbiter. The action snapped her out of it though, and so she was able to focus again.

"It seems your little friend is worried here. I wonder what's gotten her so spooked?"

"Enough talk Goddess, we're here to do battle, not talk." Kurfürst tightened her grip, letting the axe head fall to the floor as she wielded the Halberd one handed.

"Very well...if you insist Kurfürst!" Her massive wings shot open, and she blasted forward towards the four.

All together, they charged towards her, all readying their own attacks to throw out while Kurfürst merely raised her free arm to her chest. The other three banked away, and with the crashing sound of thunder, both Kurfürst and Goddess struck in the middle.

Kurfürst grunted from the pressure, Goddess' arms on her free one preventing her tackle from doing anything. The worrying issue was that Goddess didn't seem to be caring about the others, focusing her attention on Kurfürst alone. "I've always wondered what a battle against you would end up like."

"Well...are you satisfied thus far?"



"Nani?!" Akagi cried out in her native language, shocked that not only did her back attack fail entirely from Goddess' tail deflecting her sword, but the fact her tail deflected Yamato.

She hasn't found much the blade couldn't cut, and the only time was Shantien's scales, and even those gave way after enough power. 'Her scales...they're entirely different!'

Suppressing a cry of pain, Kurfürst felt her arm start to get crushed through the armor as she was thrown to the side. Goddess spun around and caught Yamato in her hand mid-swing, staring Akagi down.

"You'll need a sharper toy." She yanked the blade from her hands, and quickly stabbed Yamato through Akagi's stomach.

She coughed from the force of the stab, but her jaw was grabbed by Goddess, who smashed her into the floor, cracking the dirt and ground underneath them before she was tossed like a broken doll, left with her sword in her stomach. Goddess eyed her for a moment, before turning to the next person of interest.

"Iowa...the mighty Goddess of the Void."

Her golden eyes were lit up fiercely, black lightning sparking all over her as her Swordspear collected more and more power into it's blade. The void itself began emanating from her body, consuming the surrounding world into total darkness.

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