The Votes Are In!

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Hello again everyone! Today I'm joined by the cast of the Series, all here to attend this current ballet count!

Z73: Pleasure to be here

Kurfürst: It's nice to see you all again

Iowa: Hello out there my loyal servants!

Hey! Don't speak to them like that!

Iowa: What? I'm sure some of them don't mind~

Haaah...continue along please

Akagi: Well, I'm here too...why did you steal my thunder like that Iowa?

Iowa: Eh, I felt like it

Purifier: Remind me why I'm here again?

You won last time, so you're here just to hang out with the others.

Purifier: for me!

Moving on, the time for voting has passed. The next true update is where it all goes down, and the one after that is gonna be miss Siren here giving her thanks before we move on to our winner of today's count!

Purifier: I know I can't wait! I wanna hear that bitch scream~

Uh-huh, now leave the gory details to me and you just enjoy that carnage.

Purifier: Hell yeah!

So! In light of the slowing of votes(despite it having been two days, man you people are fast), it's time to cast a vote on who shall lead the charge into their world!

Z73: Imma sit this one out, seems people want to save JoJo for last if you ask me

Kurfürst: I'm not even going to an anime or anything like that. I think I might be last

While sad, that is true. This contest was a fight between Akagi and Iowa at it's heart. The people really love you two you know?

Iowa: Of course they would! All who live in my Empire love their gracious queen!

Akagi: Hell, I know half of those are from pity, but I digress. Thank you for the support everyone...especially since I seem to be the black sheep of the cast...

If you ask me, it's because of the overall image of you, both in my stories and overall.

Akagi: Maybe, but let's move on to the part everyone is waiting for

Of course...and now, after collecting the votes for the previous ballet...not made easy thanks to random comments going in other places...I found that that next character to carry the Sequel is...


Iowa: The outcome wasn't ever a doubt

Akagi: Ah well, at least it wasn't like last time

Z73: To be honest...I expected Akagi to win after the stunt she pulled in the last poll

Purifier: Yeah, that wasn't pretty to see

Akagi: Don't remind me...

Anyways, now you all know who is taking the mantle of protagonist, and you all know where Iowa is headed too as well!

Iowa:*sigh* Unfortunately...

Alright girl, you know what to do now.

Iowa: I know, you're not my father!

Purifier: Technically-

Iowa: Don't. Even.


Iowa: So...a world of supernatural beings huh? Plus, with all this talk of "emperors"...seems like it needs a usurper...

Black portals opened up behind her, as she struck a demanding and powerful pose.

Black portals opened up behind her, as she struck a demanding and powerful pose

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Iowa: A usurper that knows the trade, knows of power...

None know more than I...

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