Training: Day 1

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"Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you Miriam, I'll be fine with water."

The girl nodded, and left to go grab water from wherever inside the castle the foods are kept. Z73 was relaxing on one of the balconies of the castle, looking out to the ocean and the city of Venice that was just barely poking out from the horizon.

It was a comfortable spot, and if the circumstances were any different, she would probably fall asleep right there. The only issue is that she had to wait for Lisa Lisa to arrive, with Joseph and Caesar no less.

After a few minutes, her eyes spotted something approaching the island from Venice. 'That must be them then...I wonder how long it took them to find her?'

A soft clink alerted her, and she looked to see that Miriam had returned with a glass of water for her. "Thank you Miriam. Also, Lisa Lisa is approaching the island, so I'm not sure if you need to do something or not for her so I wanted to warn you."

She looked out to Venice, seeing the dot approaching. "I see, thank you for the warning Sirocco. I do have to clean the castle alongside the rest of the staff, so if you need anything, please find me or Susie Quatro."

"What does she look like?"

"She has the same shade of hair as me, but she holds it up in a more stylized tail and lets it fly around her head rather messily. She's also very bubbly, so you'll know."

Z73 nodded, and Miriam took her leave. She kept watch over the dot as it slowly approached the island, now able to see the three people actually standing on the front of the ship.


'This is boring.'

She stood up from her chair, drinking the rest of the glass of water before putting it back down again. Taking a step onto the balcony edge, she noted that the fall was likely higher than most of the buildings she saw in New York, which would easily kill a person if they fell from it.

She only smirked, and put her arms out like a cross, and fell. For a few seconds she had her eyes closed, letting the wind rush past her face as she spun her core and gathered energy.

Her eyes now opened, and she was approaching the ground quickly, but she still kept the smile on her face. The energy she built up was soon sent to her legs, overcharging her legs with this high yield energy.

Finally, as she was about to hit the floor, with even her nose about to touch the rough concrete. Her legs kicked the air, releasing the energy outwards into the molecules of the atmosphere itself. She blasted off, hovering just above the floor, before moving the energy to her arms as well.

She felt it flow through them, but at different levels of power than normal. ' seems this power works better on inorganic objects, or at least fully inorganic ones.'

With her arms now flowing with her yet unnamed ability, she put them into the ground, flipping her body up and pointing to the sky. With a release of this energy, she blasted herself into the air, finding herself way higher than her initial start point, even higher than the tallest spire of the castle.


"Ha..hahahaha!" She laughed like a carefree child as she flew through the air, feeling the rush of the wind and the incredible power flowing through her that brought her to this point.

She didn't care that she looked a bit weird, she was having a blast! She hasn't had this much fun in so long!

Her eyes looked back out to the ocean, seeing the group a lot closer than she initially thought. Maybe she was spending a bit too much time enjoying herself that more time had passed than she thought?

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