Lessons in Morality

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It was a long journey, but she dropped off the now awake and struggling to free himself Roman at the Police Station.

Literally, she dropped him and flew off while they restrained him.

Purifier: All in a day's work. Caught the biggest crime lord in the city and gave the kids a new lease on life, just have to hope they listen

The flight back to Beacon was uneventful, but she welcomed the silence as time to gather her thoughts and plan her next move. What first came to mind was the necessity of change in all the huntsman in training.

Purifier: They're all to damn soft. The Grimm aren't the only problem out there and they seem to not have any teachings to handle anything but them...


Purifier: That changes tonight

She hardened a glare at nothing in particular, simply letting her will do the aiming of the glowing yellow eyes and letting her stare her emotions down.

The grand silhouette of Beacon appeared soon after, and Purifier flew straight towards the highest tower.

Purifier: Looks like the content of their courses are going to be revised

It was another day in Beacon, and Jaune was...holding up well actually.

He was fighting against one of the other team's students, who was putting up a fight, but soon found themselves on the painful end of a shield bash. Jaune followed up with a quick kick and a slice with his sword before the buzzer went off.

Glynda: That's enough! Miss Liena, you were quite quick in your feet during this duel, but remember that speed isn't everything

She gave a thumbs up, still recovering from the shield bash.

Glynda: Mr.Arc, I must say you improved fast in such a short time. Whatever you did certainly helped your once lacking skills

Jaune just smiled and went to take a seat, getting praise from both his team and their sister team.

Glynda: Now, today's class is going to be different than a usual one

She pointed her riding crop to the large screen, where a schedule of the week appeared for the students.

Glynda: As you all see here, your schedule is generally filled with your standard classes, set from the beginning to the end of the week

She pressed a button on her scroll which changed the schedule, but only to her class, cutting them in half as the word "Morals" appeared in the leftover box.

Glynda: Each week, you will have two classes where you will be taught to take Ethics and Morality into question. This is made from a suggestion by Purifier, and is meant to prepare you for the real world

?: Alright, I'm taking over 'cause you're just babying the kids

Purifier walked into the room, standing near the scowling Glynda.

Purifier: Good day everyone, when you all originally met me, I was just a hired hand that your headmaster had. However, after some...recent developments

She looked over to teams JNPR and RWBY.

Purifier: I saw that you students are taught to take care of the Grimm...and ONLY the Grimm

A hand went up.

?: Isn't that good? They are a big problem

Purifier: That's correct, they are a major problem that all people suffer from. But what irks me is that you kids are only trained to destroy the Grimm, but have little to no experience with handling people

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