Tournament Day

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Ozpin: Remember Purifier, you're head of defense for this event. If you see anything suspicious notify the others

Purifier: Yeah yeah I got it, I'm heading out to watch the game too you know?

Ozpin: Just keep an eye out for anyone suspicious, this can't be ruined for the students

Purifier: Wow...when did you become a doting Headmaster?

She closed the elevator door and sent him up to his office, leaving her to walk down the hallway alone. With him telling her the secrets he was hiding away, as well as her finally getting the siphon, she was well on her way of just leaving the place.

Turns out she was too attached to just drop them off and head home just yet. So she elected to stay until the festival was over, then she'll be gone and come back later to assist Ozpin in this "war" of his.

Purifier: Can't just snatch their chance at victory without at least helping them. All I have to do is find the other half of the power...then avenge Amber

She may have never known the girl, but knowing she was comatose because of her power, something she never asked for, got to her a bit. Even worse now knowing what the machine was using to keep her going.


Purifier looked down to her hand, the small chip in her hand pulsing with a dark and vibrant purple light. Her beacon was going off the fritz, glowing brighter than she ever saw before.

She was holding the Siphon, which was the core energy source of the machine, draining the Maiden powers of Amber continuously to both keep her alive and keep her signature down.

Little did they know that power was fueling the Sirens.

*CRASH* no longer did.

Purifier: Well...objective complete

She stared out towards the crowds that gathered at the fairgrounds, all conversing and chatting idly while the next game was soon to start.

Purifier wondered if she should really stay for just a bit longer, especially with more than just this world on the line.

Purifier: Damn attachments...why didn't I find the Siphon a month ago? Could have been in and out just a bit quicker instead of spending two months here


Purifier:*sigh* Just a bit longer, then I'll see mom again...just a bit longer...

She felt a small pulsing sensation in the back of her head, and so she mentally answered the call.

Purifier: Yo! Who is it?

Ruby:*phone* Hey Purifier! Are you coming to watch the game? You missed the last one you know?

Purifier: Since when did you talk so casually with your teacher? Anyways, I'm heading there now, I'm head of security for this event so I had the back gate and make sure no one knew about it

Ruby:*phone* Back gate?

Purifier: Precisely

She hung up then, but the entrance was right there so it didn't matter.


Cause Ruby was already zipping towards it at ridiculous speeds.

Purifier saw her coming and ducked out of the way, very soon hearing the sounds of crashing and a lot of tumbling.


Was that a cat?

Ruby: Why'd you dodge?!

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