Unveiled and Unified

347 23 14

Ill Mare Eterno Nella Mia Anima - Caesar's Theme

"Caesar! Sirocco!" Joseph was the first one to enter the room, with Lisa Lisa entering just behind him as they looked at the destroyed room, sunlight covering everything and especially illuminating the central piece of fallen debris.

They saw the dust and destruction, and Joseph coughed a few times. "Man, this place is a wreck. A Divine Sandstorm did this...and Caesar was caught in it!"

They both looked around the place, seeing no sign of Z73 or Caesar yet. Joseph's eyes wandered to their left, and he let out a gasp as he saw something floating there.

"A bubble? N-No...it can't be...!"

He reached out to touch it, and it zapped him with Hamon. Inside of it however, was a familiar bandana. "It's Caesar's bandana! And it has Wamuu's lip ring on it! He pulled it from him!"

He grabbed the bubble, and a bright light started to spark from it. "H-Hey! This Hamon feels strange!"

Soon the bubble shattered, with Joseph having absorbed all it's Hamon, and it revealed the bandana and the ring in pristine condition. With no other sound around them, they heard the quiet groans from another voice, somewhere to the side of the room.

The piece of the roof that took up the center of the room, the one shaped like a cross, sat quietly and unceremoniously. "I-I never called his name since we came in here Lisa Lisa...I feared what would happen if he didn't make it, if Sirocco didn't make it. She's tough, but I'm still so worried over this..."

He looked over to the stairs, seeing that there was a trail of blood going up and into the dark second floor...and down to the left, there was a small trail going to the left of the stairs instead.

"Lisa Lisa, look!" He pointed over to the side, where the trial of blood dragged behind to the side of the staircase.

The two of them slowly walked over to the side, slowly seeing a bloodied boot come into view. Their eyes slowly widened as they saw more of the figure come into view, as well as who was there with them.

They came upon Caesar, as bloodied and bruised as he was when he finished the fight with Wamuu, resting his head on Z73's lap, as the girl gently stroked his hair. "Caesar!"

Jospeh quickly kneeled down to his side, taking his hand in his own and feeling it. "Sirocco...did you check his pulse? Is everything okay?"

"It's..." She didn't continue, but Caesar's hand gently squeezed around Joseph's, showing his still alive state.

The next thing to come up though, was the headband and Hamon trick. "Caesar...why did you give me your Hamon? You can still fight once you're healed!"

"Jojo..." Caesar was quiet and seemed to barely be able to breath. "I'm too injured for that...I can't continue to fight...so I gave you all I had left..."

"Caesar, don't think like that! Just stay with me and-"

"Joseph, enough."

Z73 silenced the boy, taking Caesar's hand from Joseph's and resting it on his chest. "There's nothing I can do for him Joseph, and he's lost too much blood for medical aid...Joseph, he's dying."

Lisa Lisa and Joseph's breath hitched, and Caesar only smiled at that. "Don't look so glum...Wamuu's injured, and I got the ring..."

"Caesar..." Lisa Lisa looked cold as ever, but her emotions were clear in her eyes.

"Coach, don't cry for me...cry for my corpse, for my tombstone...not for me."

Z73 looked up to the other two, her own eyes looking as bland as ever. She was saddened, but for now, she must hold strong for the three people in front of her.

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