Before Dusk Falls

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The War Still Rages Within - Ending Arc theme

It was quiet in the castle still...

Yamato was cradled with Keiko, keeping the young girl warm and comfortable in her embrace while Temperance and Empress went to find refreshments. They later came back with tea, freshly picked by Temperance who analyzed each one before using them.

"Thank you girls, I needed this." Yamato picked up her cup and sipped the tea, feeling herself unwind from the pent up stress in her body from everything that went down.

Empress was also taking her own sip, looking out the window while she did.


All eyes went to the growing portal on the ground, and soon enough, Strength appeared in the center looking a bit worse for wear, what with the sweat pouring down from her face and body. "Alright, so Akagi has turned back to her old self."

Empress spat out her tea, coughing a few times as Temperance patted her back in support. "I-I'm sorry...can you repeat that?"

"Akagi. Is. Back. To her old. Self."


"This woman..." Yamato held her head in her hands, feeling that stress come back almost immediately.

Temperance was the next to speak up about it. "Question...what exactly do you mean by old self?"

"Remember the Akagi that kicked our asses? The serious, brutal, and efficient one?"

Temperance and Empress both nodded. "Well there you go, that one's back. Only difference being that she decided to go fucking Prime Siren!"

""SHE WHAT??""


Their attention snapped to the girl in the bed, who was stirring in her sleep before opening her eyes slowly. "Can you...keep it down please...?"


Yamato picked her tails off from her, putting a hand to Keiko's forehead. "Are you okay? Do you feel hot? Any sick feelings?"

"Yamato, you're overwhelming her!" Strength pulled her back, allowing Keiko to breath better.

"Umm...I'm okay? What happened?"

Strength answered her. "It was your Siren Trigger kiddo. You activated it after seeing Akagi get hit and she had to...knock you out."

"Oh...but where's mommy then?"


"Is there something wrong?"

"N-nothing's wrong Keiko, just lay down and sleep for now, you need rest." Yamato chuckled nervously as she laid Keiko's head down, gently patting the girl.

"Mmhmm..." Keiko did feel pretty tired, so she did fall back asleep.

They all looked at the six year old, who already fell back to sleep in exhaustion. She experienced something a very, very select few have, so she deserves to rest up.

"Now the next issue...what do we do about Akagi going on a rampage to find the Siphon?"

"I'll do you one better. What CAN we do?" Hermit threw her hands up, showing that she wasn't even going to try to do anything.

"Argument...She's right, we barely had the power to take her on in her normal Trigger, and that was when she wasn't completely fused to her Siren half. What are we going to do now when she'll stop at nothing to get the Siphon?"

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