Corpser Party

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The four Gears and the Battleship walked through the dilapidated and ruined city, following after Dom, who had an idea for their current set of orders. The group was tasked to set up the Resonator at an Imulsion pumping facility, and Dom believed he had a way to make that trip far easier on them.

There were, however, things on Kurfürst's mind, specifically, on what Baird meant with his seemingly worried tone about night. "Baird, can you spare a moment?"


"You said something about nightfall, what's wrong with that time?"

Baird gave her a look, sighing before looking forward. "You live under a rock? Actually, that's probably a good thing if you didn't know about the Kryll."


Baird raised a hand in the air, snapping it like a pair of jaws. "Little weird ass fish things that fly and travel in big swarms. They hate light to the point it kills them, and basically? You get caught, and they'll pick you to the bone in seconds."

"I...see." Shaking away the disturbing thought of such a scene, they continued to walk through the alleys of the city.

Eventually, they came to a stop in front of a passageway, where two paths branched off, one above and one below. "Control, we're outside of Tomb."

"The Imulsion factory is Ten Clicks ahead, but be advised, you've got enemy units moving to your location. They definitely know where you are."

"Copy that." Marcus dropped his hand from his ear, turning to the rest of them. He looked at the two paths ahead of them, coming to a decision. "Me and Baird will take the left, you two take the right."

"Then what about me Sergeant?" He looked to Kurfürst, who held her Halberd at her side, while the Troika was slung across her back. "Not sure, you pick which one you want, either way it'll be help."

Baird gave her a look, and a cheesy smile. "Blond buddies?"

"...I'll take another route." She slung around the Troika, and put the Halberd on her back. Before they could ask, she bent down and, with a mighty leap, soared through the air and slammed down onto the roof of the building ahead of them.

"Hot damn! What the hell kinda juice you drinkin?!"

"The really good stuff Cole, I'll get you some one day!" She barked that back before hoisting her Troika up, pointing it over the edge and down towards the ground.

The group walked through the street, on both elevations, searching for anything hostile. On the roofs following them, Kurfürst had her Troika ready to fire incase of any locust that dared to attack them.

"I'm gonna find me some Locust, and ruin their day. Know what I mean? Bring the pain!"

Dom sighed. "Man, do you ever get tired?"

"Hell to the no!"

The two separate duos walked into a large building, a prison block or something similar is what she could make of it. It didn't even take that long before she heard explosions from within the building, soon followed by rumbling and the sound of crashing brick and steel.

'What the hell is happening in there?'

Leaping to the roof of their building, she ran to the other side and peaking down, not seeing them there yet. 'If I knew their frequency, I could use my radio...'


Her eyes drifted to a door in an alleyway, seeing Marcus and Baird walk through unharmed. They looked upwards and saw her standing there, so she flashed them a smile and hoisted her Troika, getting it ready for action.

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