Just Krylling Time

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Her brief moment of anger aside, Kurfürst was relatively calm as she traveled through the Stranded camp, drawing many eyes from the men and women around that saw her. They never saw armor like hers being used before, but if the Troika machine gun on her back is anything to go by, she wasn't to be messed with, especially since she towered over everyone else there too.

She heard some talking off in the distance, specifically from what sounded like Dom, so she went past several of the Stranded and arrived at a standoff. Dom's hand was on a man's arm, halting his movement as the rest of them had guns pointed at one another.

"Alright boys, let's just settle down before someone gets hurt." They turned to see Kurfürst walking forward, her arms in front of her gently ushering them to put down their weapons.

"And who's this? The blonde one's sister or something?"

"We aren't related Sir."

The man gave a quick smirk to Baird. "Makes sense, I can't for the life of me see that ugly mop being the same blood as someone like you."

That pissed Baird off, but Cole held him back before he could do anything rash. Kurfürst stepped forward and gently put down Dom's arm, before looking the man in the eyes once more.

It was a silent message, and he understood it. "All right, all right, I'll do it. On one condition..."

He looked to Baird and Cole. "They stay here as collateral. We can use the extra guns man."

Dom looked at the two of them, before looking back to the man. "Done."

Cole and Baird just threw their hands up in exasperation, while Dom received the keys to the Junker. "It's at Chaps gas station, why don't you go get it?"

He laughed, and the sound of clacking wood silenced all of them. Kurfürst smacked the Halberd's pommel onto the ground, getting everyone's attention. "I'll stay here as well, you two should be able to receive that Junker easily enough. With a camp this large, I'm sure I can be of more assistance here then out there."

"Right...Marcus?" Dom looked to him, and the bandana wearing man just continued onwards, out with Dom and into the streets.

"God, the one place I hoped I would never have to be." Baird was already giving everybody ugly looks, but Cole was just looking at it all with a smirk. "You know you'll grow to love it!"

"Yeah, when I lose my goggles."

"Is that so?" Kurfürst smirked and tore the goggles from his head. "Hey!"

He tried jumping up to grab it, but seeing as they were several inches apart in height, he was having a fairly rough time trying to do so. Eventually, they heard more movement, and they saw Jack getting messed with by some children that stayed there in the camp. "Get your hands off him! No handsies on the...yeah you! Go!"

After shooing the kids off, Kurfürst just handed his goggles back, before turning to the man. "So, introductions?"

"Whatever, Franklin Tsoko." He was short, and seemed pretty hostile, but she had dealt with far worse.

"Großer Kurfürst." She leaned her Halberd on the wall, and almost immediately, she saw a kid going out to touch it. "Boy, I wouldn't do that if I were you. That thing weights quite a lot."

"Really? Cause you swing it like nothing...then again, you throw Berserkers like a thrashball." After Cole's comment, several of the Stranded looked to the German.

"I'm sorry...was that just words?" Franklin looked a bit intrigued at the prospect of what Cole said. Maybe he had work that needed to be done?

"He's not lying Franklin. We had a run in with a Berserker, and I engaged it in close quarters combat."

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