Siren Hunter-in-Training

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Keiko silently walked behind her mother, taking in the sights of nature all around her. Sure she may have lived in the middle of a forest, but that doesn't mean that she grew use to it because of that.

She always found nature so soothing to her...although she never knew why, both of her moms guessed it was because she was technically a Fox, and they love the woods like this.

Yes, I'm sure they do Keiko deary~

'It's been a long time...'

Her face scrunched up as the voice quietly laughed in her head.

Come on Keiko, I taught you to read quicker! Can't I speak to an old friend?

'My parents said to not talk to you.'

And you listened? You're a big girl Keiko, you don't need to listen to them all the time.


"Keiko?" She snapped from her thoughts, as she nearly ran into her mother, who was turned and looking down at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah mom?"

Akagi bent down on a knee, putting her hand to her daughter's forehead. "Are you feeling well? You didn't seem to be really here when I was talking to you."

"O-oh, you were talking?" Akagi sighed as Keiko said that, standing and gently patting her head as she stared at a large tree in front of her.

She felt it's trunk, wiping her hand across it. "Good thickness...healthy roots and trunk...perfect!"

She turned to her daughter as Yamato manifested next to her carrying the Alastor. Akagi took it from her hands and stabbed the blade into the soil.

"Keiko, I want you to pull this sword out of the ground."

Keiko raised an eyebrow at the weird request, but nonetheless went over to grab the sword. It was nearly as long as she was tall considering her age, so she knew it would be a bit hard to pull it out.





She was trying her best to even budge the sword, but nothing she did even tilted it. She was gritting her teeth as she tried her damndest to pull it out, but it never moved and she was left on her bum after her grip failed her.

"Why is it so hard to take out?!" She stood up and kicked the sword, hearing it's metallic ringing echo out.

Akagi walked over and grabbed the hilt of the blade, where blue energy came from her hand and into the sword. "I locked it into the soil by infusing it with Siren energy and also seeping it into the ground around it."

She pulled it out effortlessly, showing the blade to her daughter once more before plunging it back into the soil. "It will stay locked in there until you can pull it out, and the day you pull it out is the day I consider you ready to fight."

Oh~, a challenge! You know what she's trying to do Keiko?

'Shut up! I'm trying to listen!'

Akagi, who was completely oblivious to this mental conversation, continued her speech. "That day is the day you learn to harness the power in yourself, and fight using your soul as your greatest weapon." She posed lightly, putting a foot forward and looking down on Keiko, who was staring with stars in her eyes. "Are you ready girl?"

Keiko nodded very quickly. "YES!!"

(Yamato)"God that sounded so cliche..."

"It was suppose to be. How else do you motivate a child to train than by saying something like an anime?" In her mind, the others all agreed with her in that statement.

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