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Ancientry - Pillar man(Kars) theme

"This one seems quite odd for a fighter. Have the Humans sent children to fight us?" The one who bumped her spoke out to the others, and while it got a bit on her nerves, she held it down and kept her guard up in case they tried anything.

The one with a turban on, covering all but his small purple lick of hair poking out, stepped forward and past the one in front. "There's no reason to ponder it, let us check if it's nighttime Wamuu."

"Of course Lord Kars."

They walked together past Z73, the last one, with the weirdest hairdo, having two puffs of it come out from under his hat, patted her head as he passed. "Run on home little human, there's no reason to eat you when you would barely be filling."

Wamuu walked in front of the other two, getting down in a crouch and lowering his head. The purple haired one, Kars, closed his eyes briefly. "It is night outside, Wamuu."

"Yes Lord Kars, what is your plan?"

The one she still didn't know the name of spoke up. "Searching for the whereabouts of the Red Stone of Aja, of course." He pulled up a stone mask, one with a massive hole in the forehead of it. "All we need is the stone and the mask will be complete!"

"But Master Esidisi, the human world has changed much over the years. Long ago, the Emperor of Rome held the stone, but that age had long passed, I am sure."

"Then we must find the whereabouts of the stone." With how Kars spoke, it was obvious he was the leader of the Pillar men.

The other three human men grabbed Mark and held him down, keeping the man calm as Z73 stared at the Pillar mens' backs. They were so confident in their abilities that they simply ignored her and the others.

'That's good for me, as I'm all about surprise attacks and stealth. Something tells me sneaking up on these guys will be very difficult, so it's best to move quickly and suddenly.'

"Come, let us observe the changes of the Human world above." It seemed their talk was over, and the other two Pillar men, clearly above Wamuu, walked ahead of him.

Z73 crept up closer, as the others watched with their breath held as her feet made no noise and her breathing was kept quiet and completely silent through her mask. She soon arrived a bit behind Wamuu, taking another step and finally entering his shadow.

Wamuu's eyes shot open, and his foot quickly flew up behind him in a kick. Z73 dipped her head back, flipping and righting herself as Wamuu turned his head and saw her behind him.

"You have managed to sneak up on me? Impressive for a Human, especially to conceal your movements and breathing so effectively."

The other two Pillar men turned when they heard the sudden movement, and when they saw what Wamuu was doing, they grew curious at how the Human had dodged his sudden and quick attack. Wamuu stood up, facing Z73. "You girl, what is your name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"It is merely to remember your name for the coming years. Human life is fleeting compared to ours, and I wish to remember the names of all the great warriors that have come and gone."


She lowered her stance, putting her arms to the side and looking up at him with her red eyes, the same can be said as he looked into hers with his blue. "My name is Sirocco..."

She smiled under her mask, but she could guess he knew she was. "Of the arid winds and blood rains. You can also call me a Wind of Destruction if you wish."

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