The Abyss Comes Home

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Iowa stood there in the Antarctic wastes, staring at the disintegrating body of Trihexa, the monstrous 666 that could have laid waste to all of the realms.

Yet here it was, dead at her feet.


Iowa: Well...lets get back home shall we?

A glow slowly surrounded her, and soon enough, the sound of cracking and breaking came once again as her body shattered like glass, with Kalypso and Iowa on the ground apart from each other.

Kalypso:, that was...AWESOME!!

She sprung to her feet, quickly going to help Iowa stand up as well. She dusted the woman off before pulling her into a hug.

Kalypso: We actually did it! The Siphon is gone!


Iowa slowly returned the hug, a smile gracing her face.

Kalypso: Alright! With that done, we need to go break the news and make sure everything is good before you g-...oh right...

Her mood dropped instantly, dreading what she knew was coming.

Iowa: Hey, I have to head back eventually, this was bound to happen sooner or later

Kalypso: I know it's...I just never expected to have our little adventure that started so quickly end so soon

Iowa: Come on Kalypso, cheer up! You've been your own person for only a few days, that's not much to get attached too

Kalypso: But when almost all of them have been spent with you, it makes it hurt much worse


Iowa simply patted her shoulder, before opening a portal and guiding the saddened woman through it. When they left, the sun returned to normal, letting the blue and white reign the lands once again.

Of course, they never expected to be met with cheers and celebration upon returning to the church, which was now filled with a large congregation of Devils, Angels, Valkyries...even the Gods were there waiting for them.

Amaterasu: Iowa!

She gave the taller woman a hug, which she responded with by patting the sun goddess' head.

Odin: You two did a magnificent job taking that monster down. If I were any younger I would also be jumping in joy!

Azazel: What do you mean? You were the most hyper one watching her throw Trihexa around like a softball

Odin: Eheh...maybe I was...

They laughed at how shy Odin was acting, and that already shed the light for Iowa and Kalypso on what was happening in the church.

Of course, there was still tension in the halls, but everyone seemed to be putting that aside in exchange for celebrating their victory and success in keeping the World safe.

Iowa:'s an honor to see you all standing here ready to celebrate the day you know?

Azazel: Of course! There's no way we can just blow off the death of the most dangerous being out there! Especially from a lovely lady such as yourself

Iowa: Not interested

Azazel crashed into a pew, critically injured after the instant rejection. Odin and Zeus laughed while Amaterasu sighed. Sirzechs, who brought along a large bottle of wine, held it up high for all to see.

Sirzechs: Now...


Sirzechs: Let us celebrate!

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