Training: Day 10

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Three days have passed since Joseph received the wedding rings of death, located around is aorta and windpipe by the two Pilarmen, Wamuu and Esidisi!

They arrived at Air Suplena island 30 days from it's dissolve date, and spent two days within the Hell Climb Pillar!

Caeser pulled Joseph up from the side of the Pillar, after Joseph constantly yelled "Don't let go" while he was doing so. Lisa Lisa was there waiting as Caeser pulled him up, and just over the balcony, Z73 was sitting with her leg dangling over the side.

"Thank God! I thought I wouldn't make it!" Joseph laid flat on his back, barely able to breath as the mask on his face prevented him from taking the massive gulps of air that he craved.

Caeser was also exhausted, and after hauling Joseph up and over the side, he too collapsed onto his back, recovering just like Joseph was.

"Looks like I have two able body students to train don't I Sirocco?" Lisa Lisa made sure the comment could be heard by all parties, but wanted some input by the shipgirl. "Maybe...throw 'em back in for another round, just to be sure."

"E-Eh?! Hold on a moment Sirocco! That's just going to kill us! Don't you have any empathy?!"

"Hah! I was kidding Joseph. I'm cruel, but I'm not that cruel." She waved him off, and his arm dropped back to the floor. "Man...if I knew there were two demons here I wouldn't have taken that bluff and let Wamuu kill me then and there..."

"Hm?!" Z73 jumped over to Joseph, standing over the boy as his breath caught in his throat. "Mind repeating that Joestar? I'm sure I misheard you..."

"I-I said that I'm glad I met two wonderful women that can train me instead of being killed by Wamuu! Yeah, that's what I said!"


Z73 scoffed. "I figured that's what you said. Wouldn't want another oil bath would you?"

"A-Absolutely not!"

She smirked and stepped off of him, and both her and Lisa Lisa waited for the two boys to finally be able to stand. In the meantime, Lisa Lisa got both her and Z73 a glass of water.

Once the boys were able to stand, Lisa Lisa turned to leave. "Hold it, Miss Lisa Lisa."

Caeser just looked on with horror as Joseph seemingly nipped at the lion's tail. "While I was clinging to the pillar for my life, I was thinking: How am I going to get back at her?"

'Oh? What's this leading to?'

"Shall I strip her bare, or pinch her nose until she cried her eyes out!"

"...I thought he was an easy going type, but I guess he's quite vengeful." Caesar was just watching this, and Z73 stifled a laugh. "You should have seen what he did to Straights. Boy had more rage than a honey badger coked up on steroids."

"Which will it be huh?!" He was pretty pissed off, but then Lisa Lisa threw her cup of water at him.

Out of reflex, he caught it and channeled Hamon into it immediately, where the water kept perfectly stable within the container. "I-I did it! I'm holding water in a cup while it's upside down!"

'Magnificent! In just three days, Jojo managed to learn how to control Hamon! His talent is incredible, but Coach Lisa Lisa's training is even more so!' Caesar was applauding both parties, while Z73 was silently counting down for something to happen. ""

Joseph got down on his knees. "Coach! I-I'll admit, I'm impressed at how good this is! Please, give me more training!"

Caesar was staring, completely stunned at his sudden mood shift, while Z73 only smirked. "He's easygoing yes, but if he's pissed off, he won't change it easily...Lisa Lisa truly is a magnificent woman."

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