The Tempest Fades

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Sono Chi no Sadame - Jojo Op 1

"So Jojo, got any ideas?"

"I really don't, so I'm not sure how we'll handle this."

Z73 was running across the surface of the water, her wave jumping technique, plus the added momentum of the Spin, made for fast and powerful movements that easily kept them ahead of Kars, who was flying overhead. The volcano they were targeting was but a few kilometers away, and they would arrive in a few minutes.

"Alright Jojo, you have...say 5 minutes before we touch land and Kars can finally get us. What can you do to ensure we get Kars in the crater?"

He scratched his cheek. "Well...I was hoping you would be able to do it."

"Hmm...a decent strategy, but being so close to something dangerous will have him working extra to keep safe. I might not be able to do it alone."

"I know that! What can I do to him though?!"

His fists clenched, but he felt something in his hand, something tough and round. When he looked, the Red Stone of Aja greeted him.

"...That's it! I know how!"

"Good. The volcano is quickly coming on us, and we don't have a moment to lose." She was looking dead ahead, her eyes back to yellow as she grew more focused.

She would need to get to the top of the volcano in but fifteen seconds, all if she wants to swiftly get away from Kars and get into position for their battle. That wasn't the concern for her though...

The problem would be what Kars would be doing.

He was a wildcard now, able to think on the fly and come up with strategies near instantly. The only reason she was able to fight him so effectively is due to his inability to counter the Spin...without it, it would be a lost cause.

Finally, dry land was underneath her boots, and she pumped energy into her feet, before springing upwards. She flew high above the volcano itself, Joseph screaming like a bitch in her arms in fear of falling in at such a height.

Completely understandable honestly.

With a solid thud, she landed and slid across the surface, tearing a line of volcanic rock in her wake. Not a few seconds after she landed did she hear another pair of feet hit the floor behind her. "You have quite the feet on you Sirocco."

She smirked and stood Joseph up, who was slightly wobbly after his fall. "What can I say Kars? I can't fly, so I learned how to run."

"Run so you may escape my wrath? The coward's way out is the only way to survive after all." His arms reverted from their wing like state, and she got herself in a loose stance to combat him.

Her arms were aimed forward, her gun cap sealed and not allowing her gun to fire. She can't use that here, other wise she risks collapsing of the ground from the high power of her gun.

Her legs were spaced out, shoulders length apart as she bent her torso down slightly. "A tempting idea Kars, but not one I'm fully confident I will take."

Kars sneered, and his hands started to spark, making Joseph's eyes widen. He smirked as his hands were covered in a red light. "I was a fool to think otherwise! The best way to destroy the Hamon Warrior, as well as you Sirocco, is through the very power you use to destroy us!"

"You have Hamon..." Joseph grit his teeth as Kars laughed at his reaction. "Of course I do! I have conquered the sun, so what keeps Hamon out of my grasp?"

His entire body was soon covered in the red Hamon, but Z73 stepped forward and faced him with a smirk. "Come on Kars, you remember what happened right~?"

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