New Hope

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The rain was welcoming to her, being the first actual bit of water she felt in many days besides the drinks she managed to have. Of course, it was easier to feel the rain in her position on the tank compared to the others, with her standing on the roof of it.

The drive took them from the mountains they found themselves in before to "New Hope Research Facility", some very secluded and apparently top secret location only revealed now by the Chairman. "Whatever is hidden within these walls better be worth it..."

"Only one reason it wouldn't be, and that's if we already knew about it."

"I'm not an idiot Damon."

The gates were in sight, and Marcus simply plowed right through them, stopping the tank right there in the front lot. The two side doors opened as the Gears stepped out, Kurfürst jumping from her perch atop the tank.

"Cole, Baird, you two stay here and guard the Centaur. Dom, you're with me."

Baird chuckled at the orders. "What? You expecting an attack in a ghost town?"

"These days? You should be prepared for anything to happen. We'll keep you posted."

Marcus turned to Kurfürst. "Kurfürst, we might need your muscle for this if there's anything inside."

"Very well." She drew the Halberd from her back, holding it loosely in one hand as she stepped forward, Dom up beside her as Marcus hung behind.

Baird and Cole watched them go, their eyes firmly on Kurfürst. "Man, what happened to her when we got swallowed up?"

"I dunno, she seems...more loose." Baird shook his hand as he said that, really having no words to describe her new attitude.

"Nah, I know that look anywhere. Seen it before in my Thrashball buds. That's the stance of someone ready to use it all."

"Use it all? What, like she's gonna stop holding back or something?"

"Nah, more like they're lettin' loose everything they pent up. Hell, we saw her covered in blood and bits earlier, I think she's finally tired of being so noble."

"Yeah right, like that's changed."

Cole shook his head. "Oh it has, she's either seen or heard something that's changed her, but whatever that was, Imma feel bad for the Locust that get in her way now."

With a kick, she blasted the doors open and let the three of them in, the dark room having papers and many electronics scattered everywhere. "Smells like the plumbing's out, this place is a mess."

Her eyes immediately adjusted to the darker environment, yet she still spotted nothing of value in any of the documents. The computers had no power, probably haven't for several decades by the wear of the surrounding material, so that's an option that probably won't be available again.

While she searched that, Dom and Marcus went ahead, searching deeper into the facility for anything of important value, specifically anything that can help them against the Locust. They kept radio contact with Kurfürst incase they needed her for anything, so she was free to roam and do her own digging.

Each document was searched through, and she slowly came across many different reports for varying purposes and needs. Some were standard status reports as one would expect from a clearly military research station, but some others were more sensitive, with something that caught her eye.

"Rustlung treatment? I've heard of this disease, but I thought it to be terminal?" She mulled over what this was all about, perhaps it truly was a hopeful cure they were developing?

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