Old Meets New

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Iowa: Oh God...my head is pounding!

She barely woke from her unconscious state, and she already felt like a battleship was thrown at her head while she was asleep. Powering through the pain, even if slowly, she eventually stood up and held her head to soothe the killer aches.

Only a short time had passed before she felt fine again, but now the next problem lied in whatever happened to her while she was knocked out by Ophis. The Dragon could have taken her away from the Church, or put her in a cell or...not?

Iowa: What...the hell?

She finally took a look at her surroundings, noting the irregular terrain and the glossy sky. The whole place looked to be some sort of Aether, with the raw energy of the Dimensional Gap and her own Abyss flooding the place and filling seemingly every corner of it.

 The whole place looked to be some sort of Aether, with the raw energy of the Dimensional Gap and her own Abyss flooding the place and filling seemingly every corner of it

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The Giant tree sitting in the center seemed...even more connected to her than the rest of the place, and for whatever reason, she could tell it was well and strangely alive despite there being no natural elements around for it to sustain itself.

Iowa: Wherever the hell I am...I need to find a way back

She took a single step forward, and suddenly felt as if the world around her opened up to her. It parted away any obstacles and gave her a clear walkway to the Giant tree at the core of this place.

That was convenient.

Marching ever closer, she soon started to hear the effects of a battle, and whatever kind of battle was happening seemed quite extreme with the chaos she was hearing from here. The only problem with the sounds was that it didn't seem to have a genuine source...like it came from someone watching a movie.

Iowa: This place feels so familiar...but I can't tell what it is!

Come on then Gods, will you let me kill your precious sun before finally aiming to end me?!


Iowa: That's sounds like me, and also not me? But I'm not fighting anyone right now...am I?

Now more worried than intrigued, she started running to the tree in hope of finding out what was making the noise, and putting a stop to it if she could.

Running around the environment was fairly easy, but the tree was large and the sound was coming from around it. She heard her own voice echoing around her, but it seemed like it was overlaying another voice other than her own.

Iowa: And...there!


Iowa: What...the fuck?

She saw a large projection of what seemed to be from her own eyes, and someone was standing in front of it and holding their hands up to the projection. Their blue eyes kept a steeled expression and made sure to never look away as she battled the Gods outside of this strange world.

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