Angel Fall

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The four remaining of the group were still in that conference room they all originally met in, sitting around and recovering their strength after the near death experience they all had with Fool. Akagi was nursing her healing arm, Z73 was completely okay considering her arms were all that was busted, and Iowa is still unconscious, but healed almost entirely.

Separated from the rest, Depurator was sat with Kurfürst's hat in hand, looking over it and seeing the wear of age that came with the over century old headwear. Once upon a time, it was probably a wonderful dark black color, sleek and shiny with the embroidery, but now it's worn out colors only indicate an age long past.

She tightened her grip on it, her expression slowly growing more tense and furious at the realization that this was the last thing she had of a fallen ally. She didn't know her long, but sometimes those friends you make in short times will stick with you until your final days, and that was surely Kurfürst.

'No doubt about it...she's either dead, or dying.' She stood up, taking the attention of those conscious around her.

"I have to get home, now."

"Really? Are you worried about them?"

Depurator turned to Akagi, her eyes holding barely contained fury, which was only held by the equally large fear deep within her shining Gold eyes. "She's going to kill my family."

Silence fell between the two, Akagi's eyes sharpening as she realized just how much was on the line for her. Z73 also stood soon after, carrying Iowa up and sitting her on the chair Depurator was once on.

"Alright then, I'll get a portal open to send you home."

"Can you girls come with? I could use some help."

Akagi was going to respond, before Z73 raised an arm, looking up at the new Arbiter. "Not sure about that Puri. This isn't our world remember? Why should we care for a place that isn't our home?"

"Because a good friend needs you."

"Friend hm? I remember us being Allies, but never friends."

Depurator's hand fell onto Z73's shoulder, a soft glint in her eyes reflecting the Destroyer's figure. "Please..."


Z73 sighed and shook her hand off. "Alright! Don't give me puppy eyes, it's disturbing on you..."

Depurator smiled and picked up the Destroyer, hugging her tightly while she squirmed with glowing Crimson eyes as she tried to pry herself free. Akagi just watched with a smile of her own, shaking her head at the immaturity.

"D-Don't count me out..." Her eyes snapped over to the chair, seeing one of Iowa's eyes open and fine while the other was looking to the side.

Iowa blinked a few times, realizing her eye was messed up as she smacked her head a few times to fix it. ", having your brain charred isn't fun..."

"I can guess..."

A clap took their attention back to Depurator, who was standing without Z73 in her arms, said Destroyer looking a bit more annoyed than usual. "We can't waste time you know, Kurfürst can only hold her so long before...just open it."

Akagi nodded and drew the Yamato, slicing open one of her signature portals before stepping to the side. "After you."

"Thanks, I owe you big time after this is over."

"Say that if you survive."


Her feet hit the floor immediately, her hand coming up to guard her eyes from the piercing sunlight high above her. The immediate smell of cooking food and the laughs of so many familiar voices brought comfort to her.

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