A Train to Catch

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The day was a welcome sight, but what wasn't welcome as soon as they saw it was the lack of good data on the Hollows. Turns out the Resonator they had spent a good while running around setting up, also resulting in Kurfürst getting a Torque arrow to the face courtesy of the Therons, was inefficient in mapping the underground, only getting a small bit of the Hollows.

They were all reasonably in a foul mood, but that's when Baird gave his graces and revealed his little trinket he picked up down there. "Lady, gents, and Brumak...I present to you, the data of the Hollows."

"...Baird, how did you get this?"

He pocketed the device after sending the message of his grab to Control. "When me and Cole were heading through our parts of the cave, I found a nice central terminal that gave me all I needed."

"And why didn't you tell us?" At this point, Kurfürst looked ready to hit the man.

He raised his hands up, surrendering. "Hey, hey! I wasn't sure if it was up to date, but when the Resonator revealed enough for me to compare, I realized it was still good."

The banging of metal took their attention, as Marcus was hitting the side of the Junker to get their attention. "Alright, enough about the data. We got it and we got our new orders, so we need to get moving and end this war."

The Gears piled into the Junker, and eventually, they were left at a slight...impasse due to the two extra passengers. Kurfürst simply didn't have the room inside the Junker to be in, and Eduard was certainly too big to fit.

"Hmm...I'll be back in just a moment boys." She left Eduard in their care, heading towards the lot where the others cars all sat unused for years.

Eduard looked up at the others, making Baird raise his lip and look away while Cole smiled and pet under his chin. "Aww, he's like a puppy!"

"A puppy that grows big enough to stomp you to paste yeah."

"Come on Baird, you can drop the tough guy act since the lady ain't here!"

"Son of a bitch...I do not have a thing for her."

Cole's smirk couldn't get bigger, making Baird growl and get into the Junker to wait it out. Cole just played around with the young Brumak, wrestling the little guy and making sure he enjoyed himself.

This lasted for a few minutes, eventually with Kurfürst returning to see Cole on the ground with Eduard smothering him in licks. "Alright boy, get off of Augustus."

Eduard bounded up to his mother while Cole wipes himself off, having enjoyed their roughhousing as well. Kurfürst had a ripped bed of a truck, as well as chains, carried behind her. "I'm going to attach a trailer to the Junker, then me and Eduard can haul along with you all."

They didn't seem to mind, so Kurfürst set up the trailer by hooking the chains to one of the many bars on the near clear chassis of the Junker before giving it an experimental tug. It held true, and she put Eduard in it before hopping in herself.

"Go ahead lads! Let's get moving!"

The Junker started up, and soon enough they were on their way. The train they had stationed to take the bomb was already told to be their next objective, so all that needed to be done now was get there.

It'll be a long drive, but soon...it'll be over.

It wasn't long into the drive itself when they were given an update to their orders. The bomb was still on a train, much to the annoyance and ill thoughts of the others, but they will rendezvous with it at Timgrad station, which they should reach within a few hours of their location.

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