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The War Still Rages Within - End of Act

It was so cold...Dominic...where was he?

She couldn't even see what was in front of her, with the horrible smelling bag covering her head. All light was blocked out, but with the rough and scaly hands grabbing her and pulling her, she knew she was somewhere with lots of Locust.

God...she was going to die wasn't she? She wasn't with anyone she knew, she doesn't even know if there was any humans around anywhere nearby, she...she was alone.

If she could, she would have been crying now, but she cried so much already, she simply has no more in her for that.

"Move!" There was the deep voice of the Locust again, and she felt herself get shoved forward and...step onto something more solid.

It was a genuinely metal floor, something she hasn't stood on for a while now. The rough gravel and stone she was use too gone under the sheer cold of the metal on her feet.

A door ahead of her opened, and she was pushed inside, where the Locust seemed to follow after. That very door soon closed, and finally, the bag was taken off her head.

The room she was in was...small, but it had a table sitting in the middle, covered in dried blood. Her fear began to creep up as she stared at it, and also spotted the very tall and skinny locust, one that towered over even the other locust, holding several bloody tools.

"W-What are you going to do to me?!" She tried to resist, but the ones behind her picked her up and slammed her down onto the table, forcing a cough before they turned her over and began tying her down.

No matter how much she struggled, they were all far stronger than she was, and soon her wrists and ankles were tied to the table, so tight that any movement felt like they were going to be crushed. Her shaky eyes fell to the tall locust, who soon became the only one in the room besides her as the original guards left him to his business.

"" The damn thing laughed at her pleas, gently holding her head as the scalpel lowered towards her face.

She felt it poke against her forehead, the skin soon breaking away as she tried her best to hold in her voice, only denying the locust the satisfaction for moments longer. ""

It dug deeper, getting under her skin. "Help!"

With a yelp of pain, it broke tissue, now scraping against her skull. "HEEEELP!!"


The door flew from it's hinges, slamming into the locust and tossing him, and the scalpel, away from her. She heard it groan, but heavy footsteps echoed through the room, and she saw a blur of yellow before hearing a very wet squelch sound behind her.

"Are you alright?" Her savior soon stood within her view, revealing a tall woman clad neck down in metal armor. It was such an outdated wear, but she was happy at least someone was able to hear her.

She was no Gear, but she saved her nonetheless.

"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Calm down dear, thank me when we get out of here." She untied her restraints, quickly sitting her up before looping a hand under her legs to carry her.

"H-How did you find me?"

"Isn't it obvious? Your screams were essentially filtered through this place and the surrounding areas, good hearing is all it takes to find you." The woman stepped back out of the door she bashed through, finally allowing her to see what it was like.

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