Devilish Intentions

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" think you're as ancient as that..."

Kurfürst chuckled and patted Purifier's head. "It comes to a shock for most people, so I'm not surprised that you had the same reaction."

Yet again, they decided to bond over the time they spent in the halls, and as of now, we see Kurfürst and Purifier sharing a moment ahead of the group. While there was the conversation between the other three to talk about, I'm sure this one would be far more interesting, wouldn't you agree?

"If you're that old...wait, you aren't American."


Purifier shook her head. "Sorry, I was going to ask if you knew anything about the old west, but then I remembered you're German."

"Quite rude to assume I know nothing."

"Wait, you actually do?!"


The battleship gave her a cheeky smile, seeing Purifier's happiness get crushed like that. She gave her a pat on the head though. "Don't be so down, I can share many different stories of different moments in history as well you know."

"But that's the only point in history I care about..."

Kurfürst just sighed. "You're just like my daughters..."

"Oh yeah...who are your daughters actually?"

"Well...if we go by technically, all the shipgirls are my children. Although, for the ones I personally raised, that goes to Bismarck, Graf Zeppelin, Graf Spee, Z23, and Prinz Eugen."

"Damn! You were a busy woma-OWW!!"

She was smacked over the head by Kurfürst, who didn't look too happy. "I am not a harlot...I haven't even had sex in my life."

Purifier just continued to soothe her head, muttering something about "the world's oldest virgin".


"So...I have a question..."

"Then speak it."

Purifier took a deep breath. "If you're a mother, and a really good one if the amount of children you raised is to say anything. Does that mean you're usually adopting more or have you stopped?"

"I've adopted several children before, though, it's more or less just taking them in until they could fend for themselves, like Adolf Hitler."


She covered her mouth immediately. "Before you say anything else, remember that other worlds may have differing histories. Mine has such an example, where Hitler was put on the good path, by me."

She removed her hand from Purifier's mouth, who was too shocked to respond with anything other than a nod. "Now then, continue with your original question."

"R-Right...anyways, I just wanted to ask if you did anything to help raise Yorktown up."

"Why yes I did! She was always such a sweetheart when she was younger..."

"...So that's why..."

Kurfürst looked down at the Siren, wondering where she was going as their gazes met once more. "You felt so familiar to me...and it's because Yorktown shares so many traits with you."

"'re saying you see me like Yorktown? Is she of significance to you?"

"Yeah, she's my adoptive mother."

"I...wait, she's what?"

Purifier sighed, floating up and pulling a little locket from her bosom. In it was a picture of Purifier with the Yorktown sisters. "She's my adoptive mom, and I'm one of the family."

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