The Message of God

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God's Message

"Everyone Scatter! RUN!!" Depurator's voice broke through the terrified silence after Fool's declaration, and many quickly followed with what she said in desperate bids for survival.

There was lots of screaming too, many of the girls truly fearing for their lives after witnessing the deaths of Hornet and Yorktown. Fool didn't bat an eye to the panic, lazily waving her hand again as the Golden lights above shot down, aiming for their own targets in the crowd.

The air was filled with streaks of Gold, along with the screams of terror and anguish as they began their collective slaughter. Depurator went to scream again, but her mouth was shut closed by Fool, not giving her the chance other than muffled wails behind closed lips.

She watched as the numbers of Kansens slowly went down, horror filling her eyes at all the needless death happening in front of her all at the whims of the Siren next to her. Even more painful than the imagery was the terrible sounds, the cries of dying Kansens and the tears of rage and grief of their friends and family.

Just ahead, she watched as Hipper got a blast through the chest, her body falling lifelessly before being caught by Eugen, who bit back her tears and kept running...only to get shot and killed mere seconds later, falling to the floor in a death embrace with her elder sister. Benson was shot through the chest, every single one of her sisters following right after her save for Laffey, who was ahead of the rest and screamed at the top of her lungs at the sight of all of them falling.

It. Never. Stopped.

"So much bloodshed in so little time...and to think it all could have been avoided had you won."

Depurator's eyes were a blindingly bright Gold, nothing but hate and rage in her eyes at the sight of the Arbiter. Fool stared her down, not flinching away until a smirk came to her face.

"I see that glare in your're seeking vengeance against me, aren't you?" She cupped Depurator's chin, gently wiping away the tears from her eyes. "That's good...that's very good..."

A nearby yell broke Fool's trance, and her tail sprang into action and wrapped around the throat of the offender. Turning to look who it was, she noticed the little lookalike of her trophy in her grasp.

"Little girl, this is no playground for children. You should do well to stay aside."

"Like...Hell...!" Cleanser fought to try and free herself of the limb, being of far too little strength to stand close to what Fool was.

She choked out a cry as the tail tightened around her throat, her efforts redoubling as she felt her neck slowly getting crushed by the tail. Fool held her up, standing fully to watch her struggle in her grip.

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to meet the same fate as all out there." She looked back to the carnage, seeing much more corpses around than before, and even spotting the ever loved Mutsukis all dead together, some hugging their sisters in death.

Fool shook her head, turning back to Cleanser as her claws extended, having regrown since the fight with Kurfürst. "It's a shame to kill one so integral to my successor, but if it gets the job done, then so be it."

Her hand struck forward, hitting...nothing. She blinked at the sudden disappearance of Cleanser, before quickly moving out of the way as a kick hit where her head once was.

A grin came to her face, one that showed off her sharpened teeth. " broke free didn't you?"

Cleanser was held in Depurator's grip, the new Arbiter having freed herself from the stasis with sheer will and strength. Her face was twisted into a grimace that she was sure wasn't natural, but Fool never stepped back, glad to see such an expression on her.

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