The Votes Are In!

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Purifier: Hey everyone! It's been a while since we've last seen each other!

Z73: Same here, I hope you're all taking things well. Especially considering what I've heard from your world recently...hope I never have to deal with it

Purifier: Same here

Kurfürst: Can you two get on with it? I'm sure everyone is wishing to know what the final vote is going to be

Purifier: Right right...

She shuffled around a small box that held all the votes for the 5 people in the room.

Purifier: Anyways, the votes came in everyone, and it's been a few days. The big man upstairs is thinking the voting has slowed down enough that a casting can be officially chosen!

Iowa: I'm sure we all know who's about to win this, but this Siren here still wants to believe she can one-up me

Purifier lightly glared at Iowa, who just smirked and crossed her arms.

Purifier: Moving on...the final vote for who's gonna get the author's attention first!

She held the box and opened the lid, reaching into it.

Purifier: Iiiiiiiiittttttssss...



Purifier, quite literally, rubbed it in Iowa's face, as the woman in question grumbled quietly to herself. Nearby, both Kurfürst and Z73 were sitting Idle, already knowing they didn't win.

Kurfürst: I really hope those two manage to work it out before we actually start this journey of ours

Z73: I hope so too...if not, I'm always happy to beat their asses to make em' stop


Z73: That reminds me...

Kurfürst looked down to her, as Purifier and Iowa both looked as well.

Z73: Akagi? Are you okay?

They turned to the last person in the room, who was sitting in a corner and with a blank face.


Purifier: Akagi? You good?

She looked up to Purifier, as a tear ran down her cheek.

Purifier: What happened?

She handed her the slip of paper she had, as Purifier winced, so did the others.

She handed her the slip of paper she had, as Purifier winced, so did the others

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They spent a bit of time there comforting the Siren hunter.

Akagi: A pity vote...

Purifier: It's alright Akagi...if it helps, he actually does enjoy your journey

Akagi:...It doesn't...but thank you for trying

Purifier smiles and stood up, looking back to you.

Purifier: Well, the votes came in and you all decided. Even if it sucks for Akagi, democracy wins at the end of the day

She bent forward a bit, smiling widely for all to see.

Purifier: I'll be taking Remnant by storm when I get there! Grimm, Cinder, and Salem

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Purifier: I'll be taking Remnant by storm when I get there! Grimm, Cinder, and Salem...

Prepare to be purified!

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