Cave Crawling

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"You boys okay down there?" She shouted from the top of a small waterfall, one that Marcus and Dom fell down when they got too close to the edge.

"We're okay! Any chance you can get down here?!"

She looked to Eduard and got on a knee, and once the baby Brumak was secure in her arms, she sat herself down and slid down the water just like they did. She landed with a thud, putting down Eduard and making sure he was alright.

"Good, we're all safe and sound...and the blood washed off!" She flicked her hair and splashed some water onto Dom's face, which he wiped away. "Be a supermodel on your time, we got grubs ahead!"

Sure enough, there were locust drones ahead of them already taking positions for the ensuing gunfight. She ducked Eduard down, seeing the young Brumak scared of the bullets. "Don't worry Eduard, I'll take care of it."

She laid a gentle kiss on his forehead before standing up, quickly running into the crossfire. Marcus and Dom were given a front row seat to the one sided beat down she was handing the Locust.

The small stream between the two sides was cleared in a leap, and the head of a drone crushed upon landing. The one next to him was hit with a fist, slamming him into a wall where his brain matter decorated it quickly and brutally.

Several drones were on a catwalk, but with a good throw, she hurled the corpse of the headless drone and snapped the supports of the rusty and old walkway, sending the drones yelling into the depths.

The sounds of a reeving saw came from behind her, and as she turned, a chainsaw from a Lancer came down onto her breastplate...doing nothing to it. The drone soon stopped the saw, staring into her eyes as she raised a brow. "Finished?"


"Good." With one final uppercut, she launched the drone into the air, where she followed after it and pulled it into a grab by the legs, crashing into the ground and bursting it's body to bits.

She heard a whistle, and saw the two walking over to her. Dom was the one who did it, looking at the mangled bits of Drone scattered everywhere. "It's like a Berserker turned human with you. You ripped them apart."

"Well, I find the need to use my Halberd quite limited, especially in such areas where the environment can be used instead." She pointed up to the catwalk, where the many drones had fallen from and into the depths of the cavern.

She called up Eduard, and they continued through the tunnels, heading deeper inside the Hollows towards wherever they believe is a proper place to put the Resonator. It was a narrow walkway they came across, and on the other end, already running towards them, was...glowing wretches?

"Uhm...why are they glowing?"

Marcus and Dom opened fire, leaving Kurfürst's question unanswered. She was ready to spring to action as well, but she witnessed one of the wretches explode into the yellow goo, and decided it was better to keep away.

Keeping a close eye on Eduard, she made sure none of the wretches got close to either of them, but that protection turned out unnecessary, as the two brothers handled it all themselves. "Well, never thought I would see something like that."

Reloading his gun, Dom then turned to her with a small smile. "Glowing Wretches are a weird thing we just recently found. Bastards like to explode on you, and it isn't a pop, it's like a grenade exploding on your face."

"Well isn't that fun..."

Continuing downwards, they ran into even more Wretches, which the two handled easily enough while Kurfürst stood back in wait. There was no reason to throw herself into a fight when it was handled alrea-

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