The Final Ballet: Completion

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So, it's been about 20 days since this started, and not a single vote has been accrued in days...

I'd say this is a good time to see who won isn't it?

Z73: It's come down to this hasn't it Kurfürst?

Kurfürst: You and I, the last ones who still haven't been decided

That's right you two, your voting has probably been the meanest of all, as it's either this or that for you two.

Z73: Kurfürst...I just want to say that no matter what the results are, we suck it up and accept it, agreed?

Kurfürst: I agree with that, no point in needless conflict between us when we have an even worse target ahead of us

Speaking of which, I brought in a special guest to finalize this Ballet today.

Kurfürst: Oh? Who would that be?

Just give me a second.


Say hello to your Electoral counter!

Kurfürst: HER?!


Goddess: What? Do you not accept I'm the one who's counting these?

Z73: Not really, knowing who you are!

Goddess: Baseless accusations. Typical for a destroyer

Z73: Listen here Scaley! I'm not afraid to rough house a bit, and I'll shove those horns where the sun don't shine!

Goddess: Pardon? I couldn't hear your voice from up there, may you please speak up?

That's enough! No fighting! We're here to see who won, not who's going to die in this room!

Z73: Fine...I'll wait until we get to the right part of this story so I can sucker punch her

Goddess: You may try, but you will almost surely fail

Z73: Oh we'll see about that...

Anyways, after counting up these votes, and after all these days of waiting for a victor to emerge from the voting...we have our winner.

Goddess: From all that chaos of the Voting booth and the tickets thrown everywhere. I have been able to scrounge up enough to get the results. The winner of the final voting session, and the one who will have the next part in this Story is...


Z73: Alright! Let's fucking go!!

Kurfürst: Damn...I guess I'm going last then

Cheer up Kurfürst, just because you're last doesn't mean you won't have a good part.

Kurfürst: True, but that just means more waiting. Well, I lived for two centuries, what's a little more patience?

Goddess: Now that this is over, I shall return and continue to govern the Sirens. I bid you all farewell

Z73: I bid you to kiss my ass!

Goddess: Ugh...

Alright Z73, got anything to say?

Z73: Yes I do!


Z73: A storm is rolling over soon everyone. A storm where light ceases, the winds tears away all hope, and the rain shakes your core. Know this!

This is my Sonorous cry! The Ship of the Tempest wakes for battle once more!

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This is my Sonorous cry! The Ship of the Tempest wakes for battle once more!

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