The Twin Worlds

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Iowa: I swear, if there was a map for this place, it would need a zoom feature...

Iowa and Kholod were walking through the Gremory territory, and it's huge ass city-state that came with it. Why they built a city the size of the Sakura Empire's mainland is beyond her.

Iowa: Well, no point in dabbling. Kholod, you want to see anything before we find a station?

The owl ruffled her hair a bit, nesting deeper into it.

Iowa: Suit yourself

From there, they walked throughout the city and explored it's many pathways and buildings, keen on finding where a teleporter could be placed. From what she expected, it should be somewhere key and important, so their first goal was to find a...well it wouldn't be a center, but still find some sort of main area.

Iowa: That is if there is a main area other than the center of this place

With a heavy sigh, Iowa continued onwards towards her goal. Instead of looking at the buildings this time around, she decided to look at the people walking the streets.

From what she could see, both man and women were...less than tall. It seems that most people down here are fairly short overall compared to what she knew. Plenty of the guys were roughly her height, being 185 centimeters(6'1"), but every single woman she saw was only up to Enterprise's height...disappointingly(at least to her) being 170 centimeters(5'7").

Iowa: Either Hell has a lot of short people in it, meaning that joke about shorties being close to Hell is true, or this world has plenty of tiny people in it...I don't know which one I hate more

Further going into it, the woman were almost always beautiful, a supernatural beauty to them that she really only saw on her fellow shipgirls and the occasional normal person. But here those looks are a fine a dozen.

And by the Abyss, their chests!

Iowa: I can safely say I have a good pair, but what the fuck is with these women?! Are those implants or something?!

Those damn things were massive on nearly every girl she saw. Even the other shipgirls like Bismarck and Taihou had some sort of way to handle their own massive hauls, these girls look like they have nothing to help!

Iowa: No no, I'm getting side tracked. I need directions and I need a destination

The area she found herself in presently was of a darker red type, with plenty of red bricks and buildings clouding her sight.

Once again, she realized she stood out wearing a neat glowing white and black dress. Thankfully it seemed no one was really looking at her other than the occasional glance from some hormonal least she thinks they're teenagers.


Iowa: Hold on...

Looking closer to the signs dotting they area, she saw several depicting the silhouette of a woman, and she was in some suggestive positions. The sounds she heard were of cheers and drinks, with the occasional moaning to be heard as well.

Iowa: I did not just walk into some Red Light District...I better NOT have done that

A quiet tapping caught her attention, and the sight she saw was of a man who was leaning against the wall, looking right at her while carrying some sort of currency in his hands.



Man: Well madam, what are you doing in this part of to-

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