A Future (Maybe) King

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*knock* *knock*

Mino: Cecilia? Are you awake in there?

She cracked the door open slowly, making sure not to make too much noise as she did. When she saw the bed, a lump was a resting there, with it rising slowly to show she was breathing.

Mino smiled and closed the door, not keen on waking her up since the girl has truly nothing important to do.

Mino: Sleep well Cecilia...


Her head poked up from under the covers, two golden eyes looking at the door.

Cecilia: Good, she left

She tossed the covers off and sprang up out of bed, stretching her body and hearing a few satisfying cracks.

Cecilia: I'll need to make a body double, and if they come back in here anytime soon I'll have to return. But until then...

She walked over to the closet, opening the door and smiling at what she saw in it.

Thrashing around, and tied up tight in chains formed from the Abyss, Raynare was struggling to free herself from the bonds. All of her attempts to escape ceased as soon as her eyes fell upon Cecilia.

Cecilia: Good morning Raynare, I assume you slept well?

Raynare's purple eyes shook in fear and she redoubled her efforts to try and get away from the Abyssal Queen. Cecilia sighed and simply held her chin, Raynare's cries muffled by the gag formed from Abyss energy.

Cecilia: It's okay Raynare, I get you're scared, and who wouldn't be when facing the unknown? It is any sentient life forms biggest fear after all...

Cecilia gently rubbed Raynare's chin, slowly soothing her terrified shaking.

Cecilia: I'm still wondering if I could use you as a helper. It doesn't hurt to have more assistance after all


Cecilia: However, I do know you, and thanks to Seer, he was able to show me just what you're planning on doing

Raynare felt her blood run cold as Iowa stared into her purple eyes. The glowing golden orbs only further cemented the feeling of death that was hanging over her.

Cecilia: Thanks to that revelation, and for what you were planning to do to that sweet little nun...I think I'll take the most valuable thing you own

Raynare felt a small tug in her chest, and when she looked down, she saw a small black orb floating in front of her.

Cecilia: Say hello to your soul Raynare, it's the most important thing given to you, and created by the Biblical God himself

Cecilia gently wrapped her fingers around the orb, bringing it up to eye level and holding it by the dangling wisp of light at the end.

Cecilia: And now...it'll be my meal of the day. Plus, you'll no longer be able to hide secrets from me...after all...

Raynare watched in absolute terror as Cecilia raised it above her head, dropping her soul into her mouth and swallowing. She looked down at Raynare as her vision quickly started to fade, with the final thing she ever saw being the girl's insane smile and glowing gold eyes.

Cecilia: I'm you


Raynare slumped down in the closet, going completely limp. Her eyes were a dull grey and she stopped making any movements.

Cecilia: Haah~, I forgot that souls tasted stupid good. Ah well, back to the main problem with that girl...seems she ran off and you were going to go retrieve her after preparing the extractor

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