Unwanted Company

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The morning sun slowly rose over the sleeping hills, bringing with it the warmth that all life loves to touch and embrace as a life long friend.

Purifier is no different, as the light hits her face, she slowly wakes up from her nice night floating just above the ground, sleeping the dark away.


What she didn't expect was that her arms and legs were tied up, and some people were sitting in front of her.

?: I guess she's awake now

?2: Only now?! She was out like a log when we got her tied up!

Purifier: Hmm...

They all seemed a bit tired, save for the woman in red.

Purifier: Well, this is a nice way to meet new people. Definitely better than when I met Richelieu

?: Who...actually, never mind

Purifier: Now then, may I get an introduction?

?3: Uhh, should we?

?: No, we won't tell her

Purifier: Ah well, guess it's time for my names to come with a vengeance!

She looked at the man, who was wearing all black and grey, looking a bit worse for wear but still rugged.

Purifier: You look a bit faded...definitely a drunk uncle

Drunkard: What?!

The next girl had bright green hair, and was wearing a mixture of comfort and adventuring clothes.

Purifier: Ahh~, minty fresh

Minty: Minty?!

The last one...

Purifier: Oh wow, I don't even need to try for you, just...wow

The woman didn't look happy, like she knew a terrible name was coming.

Purifier: Sorry to say, but you look like the head honcho of the Red Light District, learn some class woman!

Hooker: Red Light District?

Purifier:...Forget you heard that

They all seemed to regain their bearings, and the Drunkard set Purifier hanging upside down from a tree.

Believe it or not, she's quite light.

Hooker: Now then, I'll just come clean and say this. You've been quite a nuisance in our goals recently, what with the deaths of the White Fang grunts, Roman's arrest, leading the Branwen tribe out and away...you're quite the pest

Purifier: That's my track record? Gotta say it's impressive...but the amount of tags I have probably don't add up to yours

Hooker: Flattery will get you nowhere

Purifier: Hoho! You think that was a compliment?! You're one freaky woman

Minty: Uhh, I don't think she was saying a good thing Ci-...uhh, boss

Hooker: I can tell

A flame appeared in her hand, and she held it rather close to Purifier's face.

Hooker: Listen girl, I have little time for games and enjoyment, so either you help us answer a few questions, or I burn you until your charred corpse isn't recognizable by anyone

Purifier: Oh~, a fire...I like my women hot~

The hooker actually blushed at that, and tore the flame away from her face.

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