Der Letzte Herzschlag

171 11 17

A Scattered, Eternal Moment

Music is HIGHLY recommended

There she stood.

Alive...yet different.

Kurfürst's eyes weren't a shining blue anymore, much more of a muted color instead...much more human. Even as she stood there, her body seemed to steam, Imulsion vanishing as her tentacles faded to dust, her legs giving out as she fell to her knees, holding a hand to her chest.

The hole in her chest was gone, her body having recovered mysteriously from it...yet, the effects were still evident. Kurfürst's body was undergoing change, and it started with her size, as in, everything began to shrink.

Her muscles slimmed, her breasts shrunk down, her hair shortened and even gained a few grays in them, and her height even shrunk as well. Right in front of Fool, she watched as Kurfürst seemed to be...undone.


"Wait..." She took a closer look, her eyes sparkling in recognition as Kurfürst's body soon stopped steaming, the woman's one arm fell away, revealing that there were faint blue sparks floating towards her chest.

"Your cube is coming back to you...revitalizing you..."

"S-So that's what it is..." Even her voice sounded older, like it was on the cusp of breaking into the shelled whispers of an elder.

She slowly stood to her feet, her height having shrunk massively, being the height of Akagi...the height she was long ago. Fool's surprise gave way, and a small smile came to her face as she realized fully what happened.

"Well...welcome to the very first Universe, Mathilde Hering."

The German looked up to meet her gaze, the same dull blue eyes shining back to her. Her cube was shattered, and now, it's fragments floated back to her, giving her life once more even as her body reverted to how she was over a century and a half prior.

The human who formed Germany, Mathilde Hering, was all that was left in front of Fool.

Her arm was still missing, though the bleeding had stopped as it scarred over entirely. Even back to her 57 year old self didn't seem to deter her, and in her eyes, her spirit burned on.

"...You still desire to fight on, don't you?"

"I...I always will..." Her foot came back, a smile gracing her slightly wrinkled features. "But...may I ask of you a request?"

"That is?"

Mathilde was silent for a moment, tears forming in her eyes before she answered. "Please bring my body home..."


Fool closed the portal, her hands coming up as her tail wrapped around her waist. "I will. You have my word."

"Thank" Her one arm wound tight, the once powerful muscles and unstoppable strength long gone. "...Let's end this..."

"Of course." Fool's hands went up, readying herself for the final brawl that they both knew the end result of.


Together, they sprang forward, Fool's wings tucked to her back, leaving her to run just as Mathilde was. The German smiled, seeing that Fool was playing on her field, to give a truly proper fight.

That won't matter beyond this day, but she was thankful for it anyways.

Both slid to a stop just ahead of each other, hands zooming through the air on direct coarse to the other's face. Deep crimson eyes stared into dull blue ones, rage and anger all but erased, replaced with a cold understanding of this dance they're so intertwined in.

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