Born to be Wild

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Born to be Wild - Ryu Ga Gotoku Kurohyou 2

This is as HYPE AS IT GETS with this song, so I hope you enjoy the masterpiece of music it is.

Also, an English version exists, and I'll tell you that it's amazing as well.


Depurator circled to the left, Fool circled to her right, keeping the distance as both sides eyed the other up. Her blazing hands sparked in barely contained fury, while Fool's body sparked with what seemed to be something special to her, a Crimson crackling of lightning.

"So this is how it goes hm? You versus me, while lives are on the line..."

"Indeed, I'll call you by your true name now, Simon." Fool stopped moving, staring her down instead of prowling.

Depurator did the same, watching her movements as her opponent did the same. She took a step back, aiming one hand forward and covering it in frost as the other one reared back and kept it's fiery blaze.

Fool stood tall, her hands going up and out in front of her. Her wings spread wide as she prepared herself for their fight.

Time itself stood still, the wind calmed, the stars all shined their gloriousness on them. In this moment stood the fate of the future: One the same as before, or a new one, that will lead the Multiverse into a new age.

Thus...the first step was made.

Depurator blasted forward, all in the time it took Fool to blink. The material making up the roof cracked under her feet, mid jump towards the Arbiter that threatened what she held dear.

Fool slid a foot back, one hand reaching back and curling into a fist. In the single moment it took for Depurator to get to her, she was ready to respond.

Then the two side clashed, a violent explosion of Fire and lightning that turned the night to day. Far below, the quake roused the four from their rest, and their eyes went to the peak of the palace, where the giant fireball originated.

"That's..." Kurfürst was cut off by Z73, who stood up immediately. "KICK HER ASS PURI!!"

Akagi smiled, leaning back on Iowa's lap. "If she kills her, I'm buying drinks for all of us."

"Wha...get off my lap!"

Another explosion tore their eyes back upwards, this one farther up in the sky...followed by another elsewhere even higher. Depurator and Fool were taking the fight higher up in the sky, the night sky seemingly eternally turned to day as they battled.

Back in the thick of it, Depurator tilted her head and avoided a slash from the claws, grabbing the extended arm and pulling her close for a jab. Fool's free arm grabbed her fist, pushing it upwards before her other hand came back for a punch of her own.

Another clash of their fists with another massive explosion, their elements causing the very Earth to quake with their hits. Despite this, both sides were completely fine from these strikes, flying in opposition with no injuries to their names.

Fool's tail lashed out with lightning, a wave of red death flying towards Depurator as she recovered from one of their punches. Her hands crackled with lightning of her own, and she caught the wave with her hands, grunting as she took hold and spun, throwing the wave right back at Fool.

The Dragon smiled, flying straight at it and vanishing into the red crackling. Depurator couldn't see her past the wave, and when she was about to prepare another attack, Fool blasted right out of it, entirely unharmed and barreling straight at her.

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