Physicals for the Fighters

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This is just something I'm putting together to give everyone a general overview of the characters. This will list their abilities, strengths and weaknesses, as well as where they stand compared to each other. The last bit I know some people really want to know, so I'm doing it from who I believe too be stronger, if you think differently, feel free to share.

The ranking will go from :

5-the weakest

1-the strongest

Purifier is an odd case compared to other Sirens, with her being an especially unique individual compared to other Purifier units.

She is definitely calmer than her counterparts, still of course having her moments of insanity and craziness, but overall not having them anywhere near as often or as severe.

Coming to firepower, she is practically unmatched among the 5. Her cannons rarely need to recharge from her incredible energy pools, and the power of the black wisdom cube didn't just separate her from Cleanser, but also boosted her power to somewhat match souped up Orochi, who was capable of creating a blast that could equate to a powerful nuclear blast.

Durability is an iffy one. She isn't that tough, but she has good regeneration, a perk that all Purifier's share too counteract that. Her regen has limits and has been pushed to that only by Orochi, where her healing took quite a bit to mend her after the blast.

Finally, of the 5, she is the least tactical, mostly thinking of on the fly attacks and reactions that are completely dependent on her opponent. She barely thinks of plans, but they're generally simple yet effective.

Z73 is a destroyer that has both speed and power on her side, using her cannons and her torpedos to effortlessly destroy her opposition with deadly precision.

This, however, is a coverup for how she truly fights, using close range combat and plenty of grapples, she uses her speed to get close and personal, then her strength to cripple and destroy the poor sod in front of her.

Her Siren transformation increases her speed and power exponentially, already making her a lethal force. Add onto Fracture, her ability that allows her to skip time(like King Crimson), and she is both a deadly opponent up front, and a dangerous assassin that can attack at surprising angles.

Her downside, however, is her durability. As a destroyer, she is not the toughest, and a well placed shot can severely injure her. The Siren form can help out, but only her arms are reinforced, so any shot to her chest and the rest of her will still hurt like hell.

She uses stealth to avoid being shot, but that fails sometimes, and Fracture can take its toll on her with repeated use. Past that, her plans and her thinking are top notch, making plans that are effective and successful quite often.

Last but not least, she's a lone wolf, and isn't use to fighting alongside others.

Großer Kurfürst

This woman is a beast of metal. Far and away the strongest of the 5 when it comes to physical work, and also the toughest to take down.

Her mighty guns are harbingers of death, and being hit will guarantee some pain. Her eels, while more supportive than anything, have razor sharp teeth, and are more than capable of tearing out throats

Her armor and her tenacity make her a chore to hurt, let alone kill. Her Armor mode makes her quicker and harder to hit, her armor becoming even harder to damage, and her already ridiculous strength increased even more.

As usual, there are downsides to this. She is far and alone the slowest, only being able to run across the water and not skate. While this makes her able to move on the dot, it doesn't allow her to move at the speed of the others.

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