The Sword and the Schpiel

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While this would usually start on a high note, I wouldn't exactly say that Jaune getting beat six ways to Sunday is a good way to start with cheery and happy attitude.

He got knocked to the ground, as Cardin stood over him with a smug grin. He stood back up and charged at him, swinging down as Cardin effortlessly blocked it.

Cardin: This is the part where you lose

Jaune: Over my dead bo-

He got interrupted by Cardin slamming a knee into his stomach, sending him to the floor as Cardin raised his mace to deal the finishing blow.

Glynda: That's enough

Cardin stopped mid swing and looked towards her, putting down his mace and stepping to the side.

Glynda: Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel this would indicate Jaune is no longer fit for combat, and the official may call the match

She bowed lightly then turned to Jaune.

Glynda: Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help you decide whether if it's right to attack or when it is better to move to a more...defensive strategy

She was staring at him as he held out his scroll and looked at his aura.

Glynda: We wouldn't want you getting gobbled up by a Beowolf now would we?

Cardin: Hmph, speak for yourself

He picked his mace up and began walking off stage.

?: Now Glynda, I'm not one to tell you how to teach your own class, but don't you think that you could have handled that a bit differently?

They heard the voice coming from above, and floating above the rest of the class was the new staff member that's been on everyone's mind.

Glynda: Purifier...what exactly do you mean by that?

She was upside down, but was holding her shirt so it wouldn't flop over her head. She floated down while still upside down until she was eye height with Glynda.

Purifier: When someone is failing at something repeatedly, and you know what needs to be done, aren't you supposed to help them? Maybe guide them towards the right direction?

Glynda: I'm the combat instructor, so while I may be a teacher, my goal is to enforce policy and rules on the hunters in training so they don't cause problems later in life

Purifier righted herself and stood on the ground, eye level with her chest from her short height.

Purifier: That's exactly the problem, you teach them the rules and you engrave it into their minds, but what good are rules if the person doesn't even qualify to worry about them? It's a waste and the boy needs help

She took on a rare serious tone, something Glynda has yet to see and it surprised her, not enough to show it to her though. There was one thing to take away from this however, Glynda was getting annoyed.

Glynda: It's completely up to the students if they wish to improve or not. If they don't improve then they simply must find some other way


Purifier walked past her and walked over to Jaune, sticking a hand out for the boy to pick him up.

Purifier: Come on manly Hipper, I'll teach you some tricks that tall, blonde, and stuck up won't

Glynda: Excuse me?!

She looked up to her eyes, staring on without fear while everyone else subconsciously took a step back.

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