Evening with the Joestars

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"So this is your granny huh Joseph?"

The trio of diverse and strangely met people travelled together for quite a while, having small talk as they walked and enjoyed the sounds of the city. Ultimately, Z73 was following him because he was pretty funny and had that charisma to him, which was both infuriating and fascinating to watch.

Smokey tagged along as Joseph's new buddy, and honestly, Joseph just wanted the three of them to spend some time together as friends.

'Kid's got a good heart, even if it's underneath all that muscle and anger issues.'

This brought her attention back to the present, where she was now standing in front of an elderly woman, who held zero disdain for the black boy in front of her. That alone was a nice thing that Z73 saw in her, and the woman herself was no different, being kind and gentle.

The lady put a hand out towards Z73. "It's nice to meet such a young lady that JoJo befriended. I sometimes wonder if he would ever find a girl in his life."

Z73 gave Joseph a cheeky smile, making the English giant huff and look away, embarrassed by his grandmother. She took Erina's hand with her real one. "It's a pleasure to meet you madam, and I have to correct you on my age, for I'm actually twenty two."

"Oh? Pardon me, but you simply didn't look that age."

Z73 gently smiled to her. "It's fine, I get that quite a lot. You at least played it nicer than your oaf of a grandson did"

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?!"

She turned to him and gave him the same cheeky grin. "Exactly what I meant, with all the meaning a lumbering bag of sawdust like you should understand."

He looked ready to punch her, but after remembering how hard she hit him earlier, plus the reduced height and obvious spot he had that was wide open for someone her size to hit, he wisely thought against provoking her. Instead, Z73 flagged down a taxi using her left arm, which finally caught the attention of the other three with her.

Smokey was the first to bring it up though. "Hey Sirocco, what's with that arm of yours?"

The Taxi stopped for them, and she turned to them as she walked to it. "My arm? I guess I can tell you all when we get in the car. No need to stall the cars for too long, so everyone get in."

Once all neatly packed into the taxi, Erina told the driver where they were going, and with the lack of room in the backseat, Z73 sat in the front of the car. "Apologies for the noise, but they're curious about my arm."

The driver looked at her giving a small smile. "It's no trouble, if anything it'll also sate my own curiosity, so my apologies for eavesdropping on this"

"Of course. So then, what's your first question about it?"

"Well, why exactly do you have an arm like that?" Erina was the one to say that, and Z73 flexed her fingers as they made lightly heard whirs and clicked against each other. "I lost my left arm due to a...freak accident back in Germany."

"Oh...I'm sorry you have to deal with that."

"It's fine Erina, besides, German science is incredible and was able to make an arm that worked like wonders, as if it was the real thing."

"So...can it do anything cool?"

"Always the inquirer ey Joseph? Anyways, it can do special things, but I'm sorry to say I don't trust you enough to say exactly what."

Smokey didn't say anything, probably having his questions answered through the other two. She put her arm down, as the group behind her broke into their own conversation.

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