Of Sirens and Titans

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Akagi let out the breath she was holding, finally relaxing her body after she brief display. The Siren Trigger took some energy from her, not enough to be a problem, but enough to notice, like a short jog.

"Well, let's get you cleaned up Yamato."

(Yamato)"It has been sometime since you did your little routine."

(Hermit)"I still don't see the reason behind it though. The blade never dulls, and you always wipe off everything from whatever you slice, so why do you still clean it?"

"It's cathartic, and a great way for me to simply relax and center myself after long and tedious days...especially since it's been a long time since I saw my little girl."

(Empress)"It truly has been sometime...I wonder how she's doing?"

(Strength)"Knowing the kid, she's either being a goofball and laughing it up with Remi, or she's hitting the books harder than an alcoholic husband does to his kitchen counter when the beer ran out."

They all chuckled a bit at her joke, before Akagi went off towards the courtyard area in the center of the castle. The sun was bright overhead, just as it was previously, and she knew that people would come to see her soon asking question after question about whatever topic.


'Erwin...he's up in that window with Mike.'

Sure enough, she saw the two of them up there in the window, with Erwin at his desk, and Mike standing behind him looking at whatever was on it and seemingly speaking with him. Since they were turned away, she quickly sliced open a portal and pulled her cleaning kit through, closing it without anyone noticing.

The kit consisted of a cloth made of cotton, a powder ball, a small jar of oil that she personally created for the Yamato blade itself, and a sheet of rice paper.

She got down on her knees in Seiza, pulling the Yamato from it's sheathe and laid the black and  gold sheathe on the ground next to her.



"Don't. You. Even."

(Yamato)"Akagi, you know I can't help that!"

(Strength)"Uhh, what is she talking about?"

*sigh*"You'll see."

She reached into the kit, laying the blade on her lap as she pulled out the cotton cloth. She held up the blade and gently wrapped it around the blade, wiping it slowly to remove the oil.


(Empress)"W-what was that sound?"

Akagi sighed, her ears flattening. "The sound of my regret..."

She continued wiping the blade, slowly removing the blade's oil and showing the completely bare and unknown metal to the world.


(Temperance)"Questioning...you can't be serious about this right Yamato?"

Finally, Akagi had wiped the blade clean of the old oil that coated the blade. Putting the cloth back into place, she pulled out the powder ball, which was like a white ball attached to a wooden stick, like a mallet.


(Yamato)"I-I'm trying~!"

She put the powder ball a small bit away from the guard, ready to follow procedures of tapping the blade and releasing powder every two inches on the blade, followed by wiping it again and repeating until it is properly shined and cleaned.

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