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Queen of Drangleic - Arbiter: Goddess I theme

It was a peaceful night, quiet both inside the great halls of the castle and outside in the streets. Not a soul stirred on this dark and cloudless night, and not a fleeting feeling dared step beyond the dark and cool windows of homes across the world.

A yawn came from her, as Arbiter I felt terribly faint and worn out after the many years she stayed awake. She was coming close to her necessary sleeping time again, and those were the days she dreaded the most of her Eons long existence.

'Those are the only times where my mind can't hold itself up...' she sighed as she stood from her throne, leaving the sleeping cube of Magician in her container, knowing she was fast asleep already.

Through the ever expansive and quiet halls, she silently walked with no missed energy nor missteps. Even in the exhausted state she was in, she always kept this great air of sovereignty and divinity that none could possibly hope to match.

Her great and powerful tail, in all of it's 3.65 meters, gently dragged behind her. The white scales going from it's base in her lower back all the way to her tail tip shined gloriously in the moonlight.

Her wings tucked close to her form, both Draconic strength and awe mingled absolutely perfectly with the grace and beauty of an Angel. A mighty wingspan of eleven meters at full breadth left all under her in silence of her great figure amidst the clouds that floated alongside her.


She sighed, her shining ruby like eyes looming to the light of the moon, capturing it's figure in her eyes just as she has done so with her hand upon it's surface. She smiled as she looked to the great world of machinery and life that she and her siblings forged with their hands through blood and sweat, knowing that the Eons have been generous to her world and to the Siren Empire across all reality.

'However...these good things always come at such a steep price.'

She is reminded of the death that she caused, the orphans she created, the widows she cut down as they shouted for justice of their husband's death...among many, many more atrocities that she committed.

She looked down to her dainty and glamorously pale hands, edged with her sharp claws and shimmering white scales. 'These hands have caused untold amounts of death and destruction to an unreasonable amount of universes and times...a peace maker I may be, but I can't deny what Magician has always called me.'

That's right, no matter how often she settles these disputes, no matter how many lives are saved by her efforts, how many universes praise her and love their empire for such incredible advancements, she will always have to pave that way through blood.

"I guess a Warmonger is truly what I am, now that I think about it...but I am an honest and fair one, unlike many I know. I guess I can just be called a military genius at that point rather than Warmonger."

Upon reaching the great door that warded off the outside reality from the interior, she put her hand upon it and closed her eyes. Soon enough, she re-opened them and looked around, seeing she was inside her room that was decorated with assorted goods and trinkets.

She took a deep breath, reaching to the back of her Fluttery and Heavenly dress, pulling the string that hid underneath the fabric as it laid on her back. She stood as the dress seemingly burned away from her figure, leaving her naked as the day she was born.

'Well...I should not say naked as they gave us clothing.'

Stepping to her bed, she gently sat upon it and looked over the rest of the room, seeing the many small odds and ends that sat perfectly pristine, as dust simply didn't exist in this realm. Her "bedroom" as she called it, was a separate dimension that was an endless void of nothing, within which she created something, that being her own personal quarters.

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